Was your gifted program just a class of high performing students or was it a group of people who scored 130+ on IQ tests?

Mine was the latter and we only had 7 ppl, while for some people (i guess) gifted was for people who did well in classes.

Which was yours?

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    Was a gifted student, was cohorted with gifted students, no idea how it was determined. Seemed like the more involved your parents were, the more likely you were to be in a gifted class. It was good to have smart classmates, we challenged each other to be better. Then I became a teacher and taught (some) gifted students. But by then it was high school and gifted wasn't really a thing. I'd take an average student with good work ethic over a lazy gifted student 49 times out of 50. A gifted student with good work ethic, though, that shit is poggers :che-poggers: