• Civility [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    o7 to Comrade Tai Williams in the comments spreading the TRUTH to all of the unenlightened normies who still think space is real

    Tai Williams • 28 minutes ago • edited

    notice how they never talk about the atmosphere aka the firmament when talking about these tourist space trips.

    that's cause there is no leaving lol sounds crazy i know but so does humans popping out of thin air.

    everything in earth is by design, all these things didn't pop out of thin air, everything was placed here and done with beauty and love.

    you can believe what ever you want to believe that's the beauty of the human mind , but the fact is you are in a pressurized environment you're in a closed loop system.

    to hold oxygen you need a sealed container. to hold any type of pressure like atmospheric pressure you need a sealed container. nasa has no magic door they open

    you're in a pressurized controlled environment, you're in a closed loop system.

    to hold oxygen the air you breath you need a sealed container, to be in a pressurized environment you need to be in a sealed container.

    both the sun and moon are under the firmament and work like a swiss watch. The sun does what's called Analemma and the moon rotates earth and is magnetic and is held in place by earths magnetic field, an example of what I'm talking about >search levitating clock on google and go to images. meteors are magnetic that's cause they're pieces of the moon which is magnetic

    debate any of that

    everyone will down vote but no one will give a good debate , know why? cause everything i wrote is fact