I definitely feel a lot cleaner walking out of a cold shower than a hot one. Plus it definitely has some benefits for my skin, I'm not breaking out as much as I usually do.

But also I've been sleeping better, taking one before bed helps a lot. Also taking one when I wake up has nearly eliminated my need for coffee in the morning. I even think I may have lost a pound or two, and I haven't changed my diet or work out routine at all.

Plus it's the best hangover cure. Used to take hot showers when I woke up hung over, but nah, jump in a cold one.

  • Lerios [hy/hym]
    3 years ago

    Mood. In the hotass summer it makes you feel less like death, and i don't have central heating, so in the winter it lessens the blow of stepping back out into the cold. Truly a universal proletarian tool :stalin-feels-good: