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  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    I've pretty much been winning Woman In Tech(tm) bingo this week with, like, the subtle annoying things that other engineers do when they interact with me

    I've got the following:

    • arguing about root cause for a broken thing for 30 minutes only to have the other guy go "I think I figured it out, it's <exactly what I've been saying>"
    • guy on a different team trying to explain to me how the system that I built before he even started working here works
    • free space: he was wrong, and kept going after I pointed out that isn't how the system works
    • guy on a different team interjecting with his 2¢ while another Woman Engineer(tm) and I were discussing the infrastructure a system he doesn't work with. Just interjecting to agree with our conclusion??? You don't even go here! No one asked!
    • guy on a team that my team supports not taking "this is an outage with an upstream provider and literally out of our control" for an answer until a male colleague repeats it verbatim

    I'm so, so, so tired :pain:

    • Dirtbag [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Shit, the tech industry seems like a good grift to get into until I read shit like this and I remember it's obviously also dogshit.

      Sorry you're having to deal with that, sexism sucks.

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        Appreciate it, yeah it sucks but it's mostly just a different kind of sucks than other jobs. My coworkers are usually all pretty decent with a couple exceptions, I get to solve puzzles and/or build stuff pretty much every day which I really like, wfh is great, I can buy a lot of praxis with what they pay me, and it's like one of the few areas where being autistic or having adhd is somewhat normal.

        So you kind of have to take the good with the bad. At least sexism is like, low-grade shitty compared to like, being forced to go in and get screamed at by boomer customers and get covid and also dealing with sexism

    • Rem [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I feel you ugh. I'm happy how self contained my day to day work is but every time I have to collaborate with people it's this shit.

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        Oh mood, normally I'm off in my own little corner with a couple of pretty chill people but we've been making changes to stuff that affects all our applications so a lot of people I don't usually work with and I'm straight up not having a good time right now lol

      • crime [she/her, any]
        3 years ago

        Nope, it doesn't seem like it ever does. That's gotta be extra rough with other service job bullshit piled on it, solidarity comrade :rosa-salute: