I genuinely do not know what this means. It was posted by a girl I know who has posted pretty chudish stuff in the past. Now she posts this and I feel like I'm reading another language. Can anyone help me out?

  • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Chuds align with extraction industries for a variety of reasons. They have a simplistic and false talking point that increased forest fires are simply a consequence of conservation and generally not curating forests a la Trump's talking about sweeping. This meme says that you could supposedly fix the problem by doing more logging.

    Overzealously putting out some forest fires has contributed to much larger ones happening later, but that's about as deep as this talking point can get in terms of solving anything and logging doesn't fix it. These ecosystems have evolved on the context of (1) long-developed old-growth forests, (2) native plants, and (3) regular fires. For point (1), logging exacerbates the problem because they usually want to log the oldest, largest trees. For point (2), invasives often dry out more quickly, displace native plants that resist and come back from fire more robustly, and they displace native plants. For point (3), there are even tree species that only properly release their seeds after a fire. In addition, logging requires building temporary roads that split up ecosystems for decades.

    There's also ignoring the elephant in the room of long-term drought conditions happening for longer periods each year and in more areas, which is largely due to climate change. Chuds don't want to deal with that reality. It goes against their corporate authorities' interests.