
Shortly before opening, Casa Bonita’s new owners Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to eliminate tipping and instead pay workers a flat wage of $30 per hour.

Now I could be wrong, but getting a an hourly wage as a restaurant worker is FAR better than relying on tips. I feel like either workers in this situation are too obsessed with tips or there’s huge context missing.

    10 months ago

    I see your point, I disagree though about the perceived value of the competitive hourly wage when you remove the tipping context. It's a fairly normal occurence here for example to miss your hospitality worker family member at the holiday reunion because they're off working - not out of obligation, but because those shifts attract penalty rates by law so they're in high demand. The same is true to a lesser extent on weekends & after 7pm daily. It does mean that places close earlier at night and pay close attention when budgeting payroll though

    • xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Even with tipping some of the slower holiday shifts here are attractive to people. I used to work with a bartender who would always pick up the Christmas night shift. The volume was dogshit but with him and one person in the kitchen they’d clear tips like it was Friday.