        10 months ago

        I just thought someone made the specific prediction that they would blame Zelenskyy for everything, calling him a "dictator" despite calling Ukraine "the only democracy in Eastern Europe" a few months ago. I might've been mistaken that someone made a specific prediction, it is fairly obvious that the western press was headed this way.

            10 months ago

            Yep, it was pretty obvious that he'd bare the brunt of this. Maybe this is why he didn't just flee to Miami? He knew the yanks would turn on him? I wonder what his escape plan is? Does he even have one? Is he just going to be shot by nazis and the western libs will say that it "serves him right, the evil dictator who tricked his people and the west"?

            edit: "Holy barrage of questions Batman!"

              10 months ago

              I'm slightly confused by Zelensky not wanting to do election. Losing in it would be safest method of getting down from the tiger he rides, but then again he rides 3 tigers at the same time, and it's probable that what he want in this matter is unimportant.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      10 months ago

      The really funny part is that there are still plenty of people on who'll tell you that everything's going great in Ukraine. Now that we're seeing mainstream western media running these sorts of articles, we definitively know that the gig is up. The really interesting question is what happens now. There's an open feud between Zelensky and Zaluzhny and this story alone is wild because Zelensky demanded Zaluzhny resign, and he refused. I think he even threatened him after. So, that appears to be a coup in the making. Budanov's wife got poisoned, so he's clearly being sent a message. Aristovich is going around talking about how allying with the west was a mistake and the whole war was deeply misguided. So, it's pretty clear the regime is collapsing, and the question is who's going to end up on top when the dust clears.

      I do get the impression that anti western sentiment is growing and Ukrainians are already starting to talk about being betrayed by the west. I expect this rhetoric is going to ramp up as the money and supplies from the west dry up. Meanwhile, there's a looming military collapse on the front due to lack of ammunition and experienced soldiers. There was a hilarious story regarding how Zelensky finally ordered the army to go on the defensive, but the ground is too hard to dig trenches in now. This whole shitshow is coming apart at the seams.

        10 months ago

        I do wonder if a lot of the "slava Ukrani!" types are just too far gone, and will be insisting that Ukraine "could still win" even after the western media is calling Zelenskyy an evil asiatic dictator. The propaganda might be too strong to undo this time, though I probably am underestimating the liberal ability to be as wishy-washy as possible.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          10 months ago

          We're almost at my least favorite part of foreign conflicts.

          The part where liberals insist they never supported it and pretend they didn't call us a bunch of foreign shills for correctly predicting the outcome by starting from the assumption the US state department was full of shit.

          Now we get to move on to them immeidatly telling us we have no idea how anything works and we're all just tankies for whatever the next conflict is, not sure if they're gonna keep arguing the IDF is the most moral army on the planet the shines coming off that one pretty fast.

          • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            Don't you remember how liberals were the first to criticize and warn us about arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine but deep state communists wanted to do it anyway because we wanted war and because communists always align with Nazis due to Horseshoe Theory?

            They're pro-Israel, so they could never support arming neo-Nazis. Their hands are clean.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              10 months ago

              Yes I remember when i got banned from the worldnews subbreddit for the comment "I don't think it's good to give nazis military arms because after the wars over they'll hse those guns to do nazi stuff"

              I was banned for spreading Russian disinformation

              Which I'm noticing seems to consistently be more accurate than American regular information.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          10 months ago

          I think this could go either way to be honest. There's going to be a segment of the population who retreat further into their delusions, but there's also going to be a lot of backlash when people realize they've been made fools of. The main rationalizing I expect we'll will be that the west didn't do enough.

            10 months ago

            I guess that latter group is something to look forward to. Every time people realise the western press treats them like mindless idiots there are always some who actually start to question it, and begin educating themselves. I don't think this will be the most massive wave of it, but it probably will have a few people come away disillusioned with the system.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              10 months ago

              That's what I'm expecting, and the other factor is the ongoing decline of material conditions in the west. At the end of the day, nothing sobers people up like their own lived experience. Seeing the media constantly bleating about stock markets doing great and the genius of Bidenomics while struggling to make ends meet is a huge radicalizing factor. A lot of people are starting to connect the economy with the constant wars the empire wages, and I expect this trend will only get stronger.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          10 months ago

          a lot of the "slava Ukrani!" types are just too far gone, and will be insisting that Ukraine "could still win" even after the western media is calling Zelenskyy an evil asiatic dictator

          This is one of the chronic flaws of mass media propaganda. You get generational cohorts who are trapped in yesterday's propaganda and highly suspicious of a changing narrative. Then you get media outfits that attach themselves to these biases and feed on them to turn an easy profit. CNN gives birth to FOX gives birth to OAN.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          10 months ago

          There's been a general collapse of morale on NAFO Twitter, but as expected there are still people ranting about how great everything is like Himmler giving speaches about the Endseig as the Red Army marches on Berlin.