yeah honestly i think jamie got steamrolled by both brooks and seder pretty much all the time and it was pretty aggravating to watch, i think in that environment she understandably had trouble articulating herself since she was just anticipating the next interruption or brush off
tbh i felt like jamie didn't articulate so well in TMR, she's much better writing or in her podcast
i fucking miss brooks though. i didn't agree with all his takes on latin america, but he was by far the best one at doing them
tried watching one of his episodes with richard wolff and i couldn't finish because i got too sad :deeper-sadness:
yeah honestly i think jamie got steamrolled by both brooks and seder pretty much all the time and it was pretty aggravating to watch, i think in that environment she understandably had trouble articulating herself since she was just anticipating the next interruption or brush off
i would say it's both but yea, sometimes i couldn't watch because they just really kept interrupting her
and then we had that episode where sam was a huge asshole to her, that's when i stopped watching TMR every time he was in