AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY! There is so much wrong here not even counting the incest I literally vomited during researching into this, as in I LITERALLY VOMITED over how disgusting this story is. Christine is a woman, let's get that out of the way, she was a transwoman since the 2010 at least and was also arguably the first brony having been interested in the series since before the reboot. Christine in my opinion is more well documented than Hitler, we know much more about her childhood and her parents childhood's than Hitler's. There are several wikis and fourms dedicated towards "christory" which in my view is doxing of a mentally ill person and these sites worsened her condition. Her parents aren't good people either, Bob the father was a racist adulterer but kept the family above water and although he wasn't tolerant of Christine's trans identity he did keep her and his wife out of trouble until he died. Barb loved Christine a bit too much, the mother/daughter relationship was parasitic and eventually exploitative with Christine eventually raping her own mother. And that's not to mention that Christine literally burnt down her own house either on accident or on purpose. There was also several assaults and inappropriate touching Christine has done. But look I don't want to talk about Christine no more, what's best for her would be some kind of hospital, not prison, although in this country I don't see a difference, the mother should probably be in a nursing home and she is probably guilty of crimes too, but she's on death's door. The incest charge is absolutely archaic, Christine should be charged with rape (and your all welcome to look through the evidence, I did I'm not linking it I think she's guilty) and be forbidden from posting on the internet ever again. Now for the enablers, the worst fucking people in this story, the people who gave Christine money, the people who trolled her into releasing sex tapes, the people who obsessively documented her entire life. They all need to be tried in a court for what they have done. Hundreds if not thousands of people who participated in a two decades long campaign of harassment of an autistic person. The main suspects would be Null, creator of kiwifarms, the idea guys who extorted money from Christine, the people who used a thirteen year old boy to troll Christine into releasing a sex tape, the woman who leaked the info of Christine fucking her mother, whoever runs encyclopedia dramatica, the cwciki owner, the former and current owner of 4chan for allowing the Christine fandom to start in the first place, and the many users of the sites I did and didn't mention who have been found guilty of doxing of some kind (doxing itself is a not a crime in virginia)

Look if there's anything we are gonna get out of this is maybe a few awful sites shut down, their users legally prosecuted, maybe like one or two trolls being sent to jail, and the state if Virginia adopting anti doxxing laws. We should also be very much for stopping the incessant documentation of Christine. It would be fucking awful if Netflix makes a tiger king like documentary on this, we should strive for every mention of Christine to be scrubbed off the internet because the whole Chris Chan fan base in my opinion should be illegal and not exist. Like once if ever Christine is let out of whatever prison or mental hospital she's at she's served her time, she doesn't need this baggage, and the people who fed into this shit, they at least should be felons, thousands of people. Every user of these fucking harassment sites, who determines that? The court, I am literally fucking done with this woman and wish to learn nothing more about her because principals and I encourage you reader to consider wiping Christine from your collective consciousness with me. It's the end of christory.

    • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
      3 years ago

      yes, and it would go against any moral principles, feed the most basic and disgusting part of the human mind, potential spawn an even worse form of misery porn or crime porn(or even a fusion!),degrade everyone involved, and serve no clear artistic purpose. But it would make money, so it will probably happen.

      • thebisexualcockus [they/them]
        3 years ago

        I disagree that there wouldn't be an artistic purpose, the problem this art is inherently exploitative.

        • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
          3 years ago

          I think art is all about expression. All they'd be expressing is "lol rubberneck at this disaster." I guess it's up to opinion.

          • thebisexualcockus [they/them]
            3 years ago

            Take tigerking for an example, it was simply about big cats in captivity and it completely went somewhere else. If anything that TV show encouraged people to visit that zoo and now Carol Baskin gained a monopoly on the tiger business. I feel like a documentary on chrischan would completely ignore Christine and instead be focused on the cult that developed around her, it would solve nothing but it would be fun TV.

            • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
              3 years ago

              I would be disgusted, but then again I'm disgusted by 90% of TV and just watch anime or read instead.