• Nakoichi [they/them]
    7 months ago

    forgive me for being over-cautious when I see stuff like this, and honestly @lemontree@lemm.ee I am sorry for coming on a bit strong there but my level of awareness of this shit comes unfortunately from traumatic personal experience. What I did not do was state directly that you yourself were asking for this for that purpose, I was more illustrating the technical barriers to what you were asking when that thought occurred to me and I felt the need to add that. What was told to me was "if you're so concerned about this you must be constantly thinking about CSAM" which is definitely not true, and we totally had a huge fediverse wide problem with this very recently so it's something that is probably on every moderators mind in some way.

    • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
      7 months ago

      I get where you're coming from for sure, it is a significant issue online in general and tools to facilitate it abound, both on self-hosted platforms and big tech platforms (who have better tools but lack the human element)

      But if you come to someone who, presumably, is asking in good faith about a photo sharing tool, and bring up CSAM and in that context call them "sus" it's not surprising they got angry and turned that around on you, even if it's not 100% fair or justified.