• vccx [they/them]
    3 years ago

    The degenerative effects of the dictatorship of capital will eventually rear their ugly head. There is the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, nationwide sprint toward automating as much as possible as fast as possible in production (replacing workers with dead capital) and both climate change and embargoes pushing China towards a closed loop and planned economy. If the BRI is successful there will be fewer and fewer countries for capitalists, including China's capitalists, to extract surplus value from.

    The contradictions are only becoming stronger, and hopefully China, with its fully digitized currency and 4th-industrial-revolution economy with IOT reading inputs and outputs in real time, hopefully socialist revolution and the centralization of economic production with accounting based on labor hours will be inevitable regardless of whose in charge.

    And even if it doesn't happen in China, the country is non-interventionist and already supports more Orthodox Marxist projects like the DPRK.

    Let's just hope the backlash to Xi Jinping pseudo-nationalizing tutoring and the three mountains (Healthcare, Education, Housing) doesn't scare the party away from Socialism 2035.