Movie nomination time! Post your favorite publicly posted or pirately hosted movie for Cytube Fridays. Nominations will run till 11/8 and then we’ll take the most upvoted or most rediculous and queue them up for August. Sort by /new and post the link!

As stated in the title, the first Friday of the month is special! We're going to try to do something neat for the first of every month going forward. Lots of media on the back-burner and theme-night possibilities.

Movies usually play 08:00 & 20:00 CT. Cytube is a finicky beast and usually accepts Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, GoogleDrive(requires plug-ins, ez pz)and occasionally others if it feels charitable that day. Here’s the manual

Runners up from last time can be viewed here. DM me if you have any questions/concerns or want to queue something special up.

Shout out to the Cytube team, and apologies to everyone for being a few days late on this.

  • maccruiskeen [he/him]
    3 years ago

    friday the 13th could use a horror movie, and I cant think of anything more horrific than come and see, the soviet masterpiece war film that's 0 % war and 100% war crimes.