If you work at Timmy’s do a count of how many ice caps you make in a day. Multiply that by the cost. I guarantee on ice caps alone you make more value than you get back in your check

Libs learn about the labor theory of value and are like, “so what if people skim a little off the top? The business has overhead.” This is not skimming. Most people lose more than half of their labor value every day.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, I think the biggest actual cost beyond restaurant employee labor is probably just paying agricultural and logistics workers to get you ingredients.

      It's been a long time but I remember working at McDonald's a long time ago and finding out what labor vs other overhead was and doing some napkin math on how many McChicken™ sandwiches I was making an hour and being kind of astounded at how much income was been generated off of my labor.