I'll start. Fahrenheit is the superior temperature system for weather reporting. We should use metric for literally everything else, even Celsius for cooking, but I'll be dead in the cold ground before I abandon a system in which you actually get to experience both 0 degrees and 100 degrees. Freezing being 32 instead of 0 is literally the only downside, and it's not a hard number to remember. I'm prepared to die on this hill in the comments.

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    my measurement brain is a mess lol

    I think of distance in both miles and kilometres
    but think of speed in miles per hour unless it's very fast, then it's metres per second

    I think of length in both centimetres and inches
    but height in only feet and inches

    I think of weight of people in stone
    but weight of literally everything else in metric

    I think of liquid volume in purely metric
    except fuel efficiency I think of in miles/gallon

    England is fun