Did China cause the coronavirus pandemic? On August 24, a report President Joe Biden ordered 90 days earlier from the intelligence bureaucracy about the origin of COVID-19 will be due. There is an odd lack of leaked information about where the report stands now. Despite their supposedly secretive nature, these agencies often seem to employ […]
The entire list is incredible. Imagine believing the American government will put any pressure on Apple or Wall Street.
I operate and set up lathes, grinders, millers, that's about it. Make insulators and shit. Now what do you do fora living that is physical that justifies posting for the last 12 hours? LITTLE BITCH HAS NO JOB
You ever wonder how all the stupid shit people order internationally gets from point A to point B on the globe? Big fucking boats. You ever wonder who loads boats full of that stupid shit? People like me who work with big fucking industrial equipment to make sure the crate that contains your shit is properly loaded and secured so it don't end up at the bottom of the ocean.
Oh cool I'm union too, didn't think you'd be a machinist though. You do industrial or commercial?
I operate and set up lathes, grinders, millers, that's about it. Make insulators and shit. Now what do you do fora living that is physical that justifies posting for the last 12 hours? LITTLE BITCH HAS NO JOB
You ever wonder how all the stupid shit people order internationally gets from point A to point B on the globe? Big fucking boats. You ever wonder who loads boats full of that stupid shit? People like me who work with big fucking industrial equipment to make sure the crate that contains your shit is properly loaded and secured so it don't end up at the bottom of the ocean.
So your a stevedore? Are you like Ziggy from the wire and everyone hates you because your a little punk?
I don't watch TV, that shit rots your brain - case and point you lol
Holier than thou much? You've been posting here for 12 hours today. I don't see a difference.
On the clock for 10 of them. Big difference when you're getting paid to post, like I said you should try it sometime.
I don't think you actually have a job.
It'd be kinda nice to take a break or find a better job but there ain't much that beats the bennies I got. Hows your union contract's bennies?
It's called being a landlord, loser.
Mao was right about one thing.