28 Days Later & Devs guy making a "both sides" balkanization movie. California and Texas on the same side. Yep, it's real centrism hours.

  • conditional_soup@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    California, Texas, and Florida forming an alliance. Yeah, someone really did their homework on that one.

    Not only is it extremely politically unlikely, but the logistics of that alliance are absolute dog shit. California is going nowhere. To the north, there's mountains, mountains, and surprise, more fucking mountains. Some sniper/drone/rpg teams, or maybe just one decisively placed stick of cobalt 60 would be enough to shut down vital routes with no easy bypass. To the east, there's mountains and then the widest, openest desert terrain you can imagine, leaving any ground logistics to cross what is, effectively, the world's biggest shooting gallery.

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Yeah California itself has enough infastructure, dogshit as it is, and defensible terrain to more or less keep itself independent as long as the state guard doesn't pull a coup. Overall this just feels like ahistorical brain worms.