To be fair, in the comments are some sources that made me go :bruh:

Edit: I did find a “tankie” that says “prolonging the civil war + US occupation would be worse than a Taliban peace”, also coupmed with "the immediate fall of the Afghan military is proof that the Taliban are more legitimate rulers than the US puppet government". See for yourself:

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Like yeah I get the red and black split historically

      And even there it seems like every time something real is happening most people shut up and support the revolution whether it's their favorite flavor or not. Like some of them might schism later once things aren't so pressing, and there's always infighting for one reason or another (and when someone has lived through the direct material part of power that is violence they tend to continue using it, perhaps past its due date), but it seems like only the most egregious assholes continue to do sectarian splitting in the middle of a crisis.

      And yeah, so much of what gets very heavily upvoted on C@ is just straight up "hey look I made up a person to get really mad at and, more importantly, to get you all very mad about too so we can unite the community with sectarian hatred and purge whoever disagrees" which is some really on the nose kind of shit.

      The good news is I knew someone from elsewhere who was an absolutely rapid anti-ML sectarian on C@ when I found her reddit profile (psa: don't use your personal username on fucking reddit). Fast forward less than a year and she's an ML and has deleted her old reddit account. Plenty of people get swept up in sectarian bullshit only to get tired of it and learn better.

    • solaranus
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator