from one of their recent episodes, please post in the comments which one it was

grow soy

(soulless consumerist voice) "I will never eat bugs!!! We need eco-modernism, not Malthusianism" :Peter-Coffin:

imagine being so petit bourgeois you literally believe McDonalds is bad, this is what happens when the most worthless people alive pretend to be in touch with the people. Will these LARPing Marxists ever visit a farm or factory to actually get in touch with the material conditions?

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    a christian joining an ml group is not a problem.

    No, it's not a problem but it's honestly like seeing a unicorn, it's just so unlikely to happen you may as well not even consider it as real (important to note I'm talking about your typical Evangelical Christian and not your cool liberation theology type Christian; and in the US the former outnumber the later probably 20:1)