I did think it was weird when Michelle Yeoh looked directly into the camera and told the audience to read Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Teaching media criticism instead of media literacy to liberals was a bad bit
yeah, I'm politically active: I only consume the correct treats
I mean at the end of the day you need SOME treats. Even monks made beer.
Honestly, Jack Horner was my favorite. Unapologeticaly evil, great line delivery matched to excellent animation. Every moment he's on screen was a blast
Now I did enjoy Wednesday. And im pretty sure im gonna have fun with Avatar 2... but this feels a bit forced.
Avatar is why I don’t get my film recs from leftist/post-left podcasters and their fans.
I did think Everything, Everywhere, All at Once was a stupid movie though.
I enjoyed watching it but I was super annoyed at how every going on about how "brilliant" and "original" the story was.
No, it was just optimistic Rick and Morty.
It was a fun movie but I can totally see how it would be polarizing.
They’re right, except Wednesday and Avatar 2 is also fascist/reactionary art 😤