This applies to the real humankind as well, but rn I'm venting about the game

My 3rd play-through, each time I had to just give up because bugs just pile up. Can't make peace, can't make war, this last time the game told me my civilization had fallen when an AI captured the last city of another AI...

  • Garpagan [he/him]
    3 years ago

    On my second playthrough I tried peaceful. scientific win, with mars colony as my main object. Got to last era, get tech for colony, nope i need oil to send rockets. I dont have any oil, nothing in my teritorry. Check AI, nope zero oil, no one have oil. Just iron, copper, coal etc. Check whole map, zero oil wtf. Played on largest map so maybe it have something to do with spawning resources. OR I'm not aware of some mechanics, and maybe if other AI doesnt see oil in its territory then i cant see it on my map? Had to abandon this playthrough, game seems very nice, but I get very confused at what should I do. Game mechanics are not clear for me right now, I propably jst watch people play on youtube for now. Or get back to Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yeah the late game resource generation is completely fucked, and apparently it's even worse on larger maps where it'll generate less total than the amount needed to actually build late game units and projects.

      Edit: resources still show up on the map even if you don't know what they are, and you can tell what a deposit is as soon as you're in the right era. It's literally just oil and uranium spawns that are completely fucked, I think because they don't get added until very late. There may be something like it samples X number of spots to place them, and if there's something there it discards the spot from that list but never goes and actually makes sure that a minimum number spawn on the map, so for late game resources it may be trying to generate them under already built districts, deciding those are invalid spawn locations, and just not trying again until it can actually place them (although on a large map it shouldn't be as likely to do that...).

        • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Weird. I tried searching to see why there weren't enough oil deposits in my game to do the end-game stuff and found threads about how they don't scale by size and there isn't a guaranteed minimum spawn for end-game resources.

          (Although I did eventually figure out that I did in fact have 3 oil spawns on my map, I just missed one in my ally's territory while controlling the other two. Naturally I went to war and nuked them to get the oil, since they were pissed off and wouldn't trade it to me over some demand or another.)

    • Yanqui_UXO [any]
      3 years ago

      That's been my experience too. I guess I just chose to treat it as a game mechanic: too bad I can't build a thermonuclear rocked, but at least no one else can either.