Bully them.

  • Slowpoke [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    It's not Americans doing it. It's the unelected government in DC (Obama's people called them "the blob", Trump's people called them the "deep state", take your pick) and they pay little or no attention to the preferences of the American people.

    In her study of the Vietnam wars, Marilyn B. Young wrote that by the early 1950s, the US foreign policy establishment “had accepted a set of axioms … as unquestionable as Euclid’s.” The first axiom, she wrote, could be summarized as follows:

    “The intentions of the United States are always good. It is possible that in pursuit of good ends, mistakes will be made. But the basic goodness of US intentions cannot ever be questioned. The intentions of the enemies of the United States are bad. It is possible that in the pursuit of bad ends, good things will seem to happen. But the basic badness of enemy intentions cannot ever be questioned.”