im crying laughing, they cant possibly believe this misinfo will work

  • unperson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You copy-pasted the Wikipedia. The quote you copy-pasted is supposedly sourced from 'Lebron, Robyn E. (2012). Searching for Spiritual Unity...can There be Common Ground?: A Basic Internet Guide to Forty World Religions & Spiritual Practices. CrossBooks. pp. 557–558'. I spent a minute trying to track the book to see what it actually said, but I didn't find it. But going by the title it most likely had nothing to do with the DPRK. Wikipedia is full if outright fake citations, or in some cases quotes of fiction books, when it comes to the DPRK. It's not a reliable source.

    On the other hand you can just go and read their penal code. It's not a secret. This is, I imagine, the law you're talking about:


    Article 193 (Import, Keeping and Distribution of Decadent Culture)

    A person who, without authorization, imports, makes, distributes or illegally keeps music, dance, drawings, photos, books, video recordings or electronic media that reflects decadent, carnal or foul contents shall be punished by short-term labour for less than two years. In cases where the person commits a grave offence, he or she shall be punished by reform through labour for less than five years.

    In cases where such a person imports, keeps or distributes sexual video recordings, the punishment shall be reform through labour for more than five years and less than ten years.

    There is nothing about 'in person' 'acts of promiscuity'.

    • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      I wonder what their take on something like Starship Troopers or WH40k would be. Like would they make allowances for satire?