"I'm more of a libertarian, I was hoping to catch COVID-14"
ahahaha I love this one.
Meme with additional pics (he died):
"have a nice day!"
"i'm a libertarian, and don't you dare fucking tell me what kind of day to have" :frothingfash:
You claim to not like being told what to do, and yet this disease has told you not to be alive. How curious. :charlie-kirk:
Watching chuds own themselves straight into a casket like:
Holy shit I thought that was Rogan, I was like “Damn that was fast!!”
Libertarians when they realize that all viruses are always under 18
This is from this NYTimes short video called dying in the name of vaccine freedom (lol): https://youtu.be/pd8P12BXebo
Don't worry bro if you say that you don't volunteer to die from Covid and you don't respect it's maritime law it can't do anything
I don't give covid permission to enter my body and replicate its genomic material using my body cells.
FacebookCOVID is not allowed to use my own immune response to attack and shut down my organs and cause system failures. I do not consent to being killed by a lack of oxygen and I demand my body work right!