Im tired of collecting and managing. Im playing Ghost of Tsushima, and I just cant let myself enjoy it because I obsessively do side quests and find stuff to upgrade. Honestly all the big adventure games these feel like they pull from the same formula, its all just different skins for The Witcher 3. This is why fromsoft games are so much more memorable imo, look at the experience playing sekiro vs ghost of tsushima.

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I was absolutely done with that shit by Assassin's Creed 3 almost 10 years ago

    If I see the words "open world" in a game's description I run far away. Bring back linear 10-15 hour single player games

    • grey_wolf_whenever [he/him]
      3 years ago

      a shorter game with more memorable shit? Sign me up. Sekiro has maybe 4 side quests, but everything in it adds so much value, you have a combat system that you can sink your teeth into and discover new things whenever you fight the bosses. In Tsushima? Just hacking through hundreds of the same enemy.

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, I have no problem with Rockstar-style sandboxes or the concept of open worlds in video games, just the kind filled with boring time wasting sold as "content" pioneered by Ubisoft in the late 360 era

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Totally agree. Plus they're the easiest to go back to and replay I find. Being able to run the same game in different ways and know every in and out after a few play through a ruled. You gradually mastered the game at your own pace

  • fuckwit [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    i don’t have hours or the patience to spend dying to some fucking 2nd stage minion for hours on end just to figure out the combat mechanics.

    give me a good story or unique ambiance, ie mgs, ff7, rdr2. shit, yeah, ghost of tsushima seems like something I’d like

    i guess i just don’t enjoy ‘gaming’ in that manner anymore. lol

    i dunno how you can complain about game management and collecting and then compliment a fromsoft game.

  • meme_monster [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Sounds pretty gamey to me. The same impulses that drive you to do side quests and collect all the upgrades are the ones that designers are exploiting in apps and reward systems in order to "gamify" work and life.

    You claim you don't like getting played yet you still game.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      So by mostly playing shit like Contra 3 and Wild Guns I'm fighting the system? Cool!

  • activated [he/him]
    3 years ago

    FWIW, there are some "gamey" genres that are (almost overly) popular right now. A good metroidvania will have fun combat and progression. Rogue-lites emphasize having fun individual sessions rather than collecting and hoarding and managing inventory. And I mean speaking of From, "Souls-like" is basically its own genre now too.

  • SerLava [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I was really loving Ghosts of Tsushima until I realized the villages just randomly swap between conquered and not conquered. Like I died trying to save some people, and when I reloaded they were all fine and standing around taking leaves

  • shwumb [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    i think the collecting and managing stuff is whats 'gamey', its the skinner box collectathon design impulse. something like sekiro is less 'gamey' to me because it does away with some of that to focus on immersion in the world and moment to moment interaction with the environment or enemies. no mini map in sekiro, no radar, no world map covered in icons to delete, no high score board other than external speedruns, no levitating objects laid out in convenient lines to collect by running through, no damage numbers coming off of enemies. take out the HUD and items and its almost a fantasy ninja sim. i actually like the open world stuff though, sometimes i don't want to focus very hard on a specific goal in a game, sometimes i just want to wander around a cool world and vibe. i like tsushima more than sekiro, but thats in spite of the world map shit not because of it, i like wandering around through the pretty grass more than dying to the exact same boss in the second level 100 times in a row before giving up, replaying from the beginning after a while because its been so long, and repeating. i unironically hate the combat of souls games, i hate the wooden canned combat animations and invulnerability frame dodge rolls. it doesn't help that i'm the kind of dweeb who looks up historical swordfighting manuals.

  • Grindlebob41 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    honestly I feel like Nintendo is still the king of this more "Gamey" 2021 it seems like every game is either the Witcher 3 open world kinda thing like you describe or it's more like a book or movie than a game.

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    3 years ago

    Sounds like you're just not playing the right genre. Have you considered Metroidvania games? The progression of items and abilities it tied directly to progress through the game(won't necessarily say story but often times it is tied to story). You also don;t have to play the game with the best gear. Do what you find fun in a game, whether or not it's how the game was supposed to be played.