shwumb [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2021

  • does NEone have good links to spam at the musk fans in my life? since this new launch they talk about how its a charity, their putting their own money into space so its ok they bid low, the new rocket is somehow carbon negative, its the same way nasa always buys spaceships, theyre doing real science up their, this is good for humanity, etc. and when i google 'spacex subsidies' i get nothing but musk fans articles defending and saying they never got subsidies at all.

    spending on private spaceflight seems like tinkering your car while your house is on fire and your family is sick and starving

  • it was a friends pc with arch linux i think, they just dual boot windows for games and non-programming stuff. again, i'm fully aware of all the different UIs out there, but i have had no issues with my current setup in terms of UI or function and have no intent of changing until it stops working. i really don't understand how people have so many issues with windows, ive used nothing but windows for decades with barely a handful of problems ever between all versions combined. I haven't heard of anything useful (to me, in a subjective sense) i can do with linux that i can't with windows. meanwhile everyone i know that uses linux has constant problems, whenever we hang out for pc gaming stuff they spend half the time trying to get their computers working while mine just turns on and works every time. i'll admit i don't do much but browse and game and do occasional digital art, and my friends are probably doing weird programmer stuff to mess with their PCs for fun. but like people complain about windows driver updates all the time, i've never had a single error or problem. people complain about constant BSOD, i've never seen it in over a decade across several desktops. and here every day theres some post thats like "USE LINUX OR UR A LIB (who this site believes are mostly indistinguishable from fash)" or something? like this OP is a 'joke' but its 'jokingly' fed-jacketing (or worse, lib-jacketing!) people for using windows or for getting annoyed at instigating, petty bait posts.

  • for like 90% of people a command line interface is borderline unuseable. i'm sure there are specific tasks a TUI is more suited for. but' a list of all options' is much less navigable than a well designed GUI menu with visual cues imo. ive used pcs for over a decade and have literally never even opened up the CMD line. i know versions of linux have GUIs i'm being slightly facetious because internet reward hot take.

  • a GUI can display all relevant options for quick and easy use instead of relying on memorizing command line phrases and syntax. humans are generally good at reacting to visual stimuli, and generally worse at memorizing abstract symbols or computer file structures that may not even be displayed. It takes most people years of classes or practice just to be able to type normal english quickly and accurately, let alone computer commands, while just about anyone can click on a thing or guess what the trash can icon means.

  • idk what an ide is but i just use the free w10 install and leave the activate windows text on to piss off ol bill hates. i did build all my pcs myself instead of using prebuilts or laptops, which may have helped. id be sus of an edu license honestly if its through school, in my experience school tech support barely knows what theyre doing at best and is filling it full of spyware at worst.

  • not my experience at all, literally never had a windows pc crash or have driver update problems, all my linux using friends are constantly having to deal with incompatibility or crashing. from my experience as the family/friend tech support, i genuinely think most pc problems in general are user error, on any operating system. i literally dont know how you can be getting a bsod per week, ibe seen maybe one in my entire life. and that was a hardware failure. i get an error maybe once a year or less. on a related note i switched to waterfox based on this comms suggestion and it crashes constantly, and cant even load youtube videos most times. never ever had chrome or edge crash.

    edit: and to borrow your rhetorical trick, anyone who says otherwise must be intentionally misleading you.

  • i think the collecting and managing stuff is whats 'gamey', its the skinner box collectathon design impulse. something like sekiro is less 'gamey' to me because it does away with some of that to focus on immersion in the world and moment to moment interaction with the environment or enemies. no mini map in sekiro, no radar, no world map covered in icons to delete, no high score board other than external speedruns, no levitating objects laid out in convenient lines to collect by running through, no damage numbers coming off of enemies. take out the HUD and items and its almost a fantasy ninja sim. i actually like the open world stuff though, sometimes i don't want to focus very hard on a specific goal in a game, sometimes i just want to wander around a cool world and vibe. i like tsushima more than sekiro, but thats in spite of the world map shit not because of it, i like wandering around through the pretty grass more than dying to the exact same boss in the second level 100 times in a row before giving up, replaying from the beginning after a while because its been so long, and repeating. i unironically hate the combat of souls games, i hate the wooden canned combat animations and invulnerability frame dodge rolls. it doesn't help that i'm the kind of dweeb who looks up historical swordfighting manuals.

  • shwumb [none/use name]tohistoryMan-Eating Wolves of France
    3 years ago

    the following is definitely not an excuse to teach effective tactics to counter police attack dogs.

    wolves arent fungible, they have unique personalities and experience and combat skills. that said i think i have a 75% chance on average in an arena style 1 v 1 vs a wolf. may have to sacrifice a forearm tho. humans are pretty good at protecting out center line instinctually, so even if the wolf is going for the neck it is plausible to get a forearm in the mouth first, and then if you can keep your wits about you through that pain (or of you wrap a coat around your arm first) your about halfway into a grapple that gives you excellent access to the wolfs head and neck. ideally then you break its neck with your other arm, using the one in its mouth for leverage and rotating the head violently backwards by pushing up with the mouth arm and down with the arm on the back of its neck. this technique is designed for attack dogs that are trained differently however, and wolves may be using stealth and tracking skills to set up ambushes against weakened or distracted people. plus, wolves almost never act alone. and in a more natural setting, defeating one wolf will still probably get you killed due to exposure or wounds sustained even if it is alone.