Four things I noticed in the trailer:

  1. In NPH psychiatrists office, he has butterflies and little glass baubles that are red and blue respectively that sit opposite of one another. I wonder if the implication is that he is the one who created/wrote the code of the red and blue pills.

  2. We see the machine's operating on Neo's body in a series of flashcuts and his eyes are burnt and sealed shut just like in this is 100% a resurrection in the literal sense. The machines can grow human beings so this honestly isn't that out there.

  3. We see trinities body in "the real world" (pin in that one). She has a tube connected to her head with blue LEDS....not unlike the blue pills actually. She also has what almost looks like blue code running down her face, although that could just be a trick of lighting and her being covered in liquid of some kind.

  4. We see a videoprojector in a room playing the first matrix film.

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I think it's going to be too Whedon-y. It's obvious the first movie was very influential because every movie afterwards ripped it off or expanded on its action aesthetics. In order for this movie to do what the first movie did, it would have not be a sequel or reboot. But it can't be that because then WB can't make as much money as they like. So then they're going to try to be cute and be subversive. Making it a commentary on reboots and remakes is about the worst idea you could have for a Matrix sequel. I'd rather have a shot-for-shot remake of the first movie than some kind of meta movie trying to wink and nudge the audience into thinking it's smart. That kind of meta commentary has no real weight behind it because 1) it's a giant franchise 2) it's made by a giant company that does nothing but do remakes and reboots. We have like 6 different batman movies going at once, all with different batmans. Batman happened decades before The Matrix. WB or anyone who makes a movie for them doesn't get to make that critique of everyone else.

    Also we gotta stop with the old pop music. I love White Rabbit and I get that a character said "white rabbit" in the first movie. But goddamn, putting a vintage soundtrack in your action-sci-fi movie is fucking old.