• Clippy [comrade/them, he/him]
    7 months ago

    i don't think they being legit about this, the zionists didn't even bother to use new pictures. this was originally posted in 2020



    • Egon [they/them]
      7 months ago

      lmao are they just making up stories about cool shit they do? Is that how they keep getting billions in funding?
      "we tracked the malware and shut down the hacking system" sounds like something a boomer would think up was possible on a computer. Like that scene in Die Hard 4 where they hack a car to explode (the car had a computer in it).

  • ilyenkov [she/her, they/them]
    7 months ago

    Broke: transitioning to finally live as my true self

    Woke: transitioning so I can honeypot the IOF

  • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Something I've come to realize is apparently a problem around Israel (what isn't?) is a... gross obsession with procreation, birth rates (of Jews in this case, but also Palestinians if you see what Habara people post) and a "getting the young Jews to fuck" type culture.

    And like, look, I'm not going to shit on anyone if their general philosophy is "I hope our young people fall in love, have families, have kids and live fulfilled lives." Great. Doing "life shit" over here. Normal human stuff.

    There's a huge difference from any of that and telling a bunch of children (late teens/20s) on their "birth right" trip (not touching that one here) about how important it is that they fuck and have a ton of babies. Specifically Jewish babies.

    I dunno, maybe it's just some weird liberal-ness in my brain, but when adults are actively telling horny teens "welcome to your homeland! Now, pair off, get married, fuck a lot, and enjoy!" I don't know what to do with this information beyond like "why... why are you saying this shit out loud?" It's totally different but in the same vein as the "doctors are cutting off little kids genitals!" type right wing shit. If you're going around focusing on kids fucking, or not fucking, or their gender or genitals... that's kinda fucking weird. Certainly there are very legitimate educational and medical paths in all of this (sex ed, therapy, etc.) but discussing safe sex, how babies are made, what sexuality is, whatever, is totally different from "fuck now! Babies! We need babies!"

    Just all stuff that I was ignorant of as a non-Jewish person. I knew about "birth right", but I didn't know about the encouragement to have sex on the trip. I knew about these "thirst trap" "hot IDF uWu girl" TikToks. It's just all of this stuff combined with things like this fucking WEIRD obsession on Twitter, MSM news, etc. about discussing in violent detail these fantasies (because no proof has been provided via third party neutral outside orgs) about teenage girls being raped by Hamas militants. Like they're always pointing out shit that leaves me speechless even as an "internet veteran" who has seen pretty much all the fucked up shit people can post and come up with. It's really another level when it's like "look at this 15 year old girl's bloody pants! LOOK AT IT! YOU WANT TO RAPE THESE GIRLS!"

    Israel and its supporters, obviously many of which are in the US and are psychotic Christians, are just constantly frothing and coming up with the most insane fantasies and accusations on the daily. Totally unhinged shit and incredibly gross to anyone not fully indoctrinated in their weird little right wing cult mentality.

    • StalinIsMaiWaifu@lemmygrad.ml
      7 months ago

      If you're curious why; Jewish immigration has slowed down to a crawl, most Jews who want to move to Israel already have, in fact there's actually net emigration to the west. If Israel wants to increase it's population it either has to find a way to convince American Jews (us has almost as many Jews as Israel) to move or Israelis to have more kids.

      Edit: source http://jppi.org.il/uploads/Jewish_Demographic_Policies.pdf

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      "doctors are cutting off little kids genitals"

      Every time I see this I think "yes, 'corrective' surgery performed on intersex children without their consent is mutilation"

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      7 months ago

      something something ethnic purity, just more fascism and ethnostate-ery from the fascist ethnostate

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    ''fluent in hebrew''

    as opposed to Israeli psyops that can't speak Arabic in a believable manner