I'm sorry if I sound like one of "those" people who is stopping people from having fun, but there is no way you are going to convince me that the hundreds of thousands of fans gathered for NFL and college football games are all vaxxed and not risking further mutation. I get that it's outside, but again, these people are shoulder to shoulder, maskless, yelling for 2+ hours, going to and from the bathroom, etc. I just really don't understand how the script has flipped so abruptly from "an outside gathering of tens of thousands of people is definitely a super spreader event" to "nahh it's OK because people are outside."

So it seems like we're back to business as usual, and I won't be surprised if we see another mutation. Or who knows, maybe this thing will just fizzle out.

    • BlueMagaChud [any]
      3 years ago

      lol, the west is just going to be rugged individuals fleeing from storm-wracked hovel to burnt-out hovel just high-fiving a cornucopia of disease diversity amongst themselves