BA in Social Science from Sacramento State Here,,

Global Dumbing worse than Global Warming! Global Dumbing not Global Warming

In my opinion and observance: We should be more concerned with global (more accurately, USA) dumbing not global warming! Where, what subreddit or elsewhere can I observe opinion/thoughts/researched information that is not based on beliefs from biased social media, agendalized government, emotional cues and triggers, illogical assumptions, mostly coming from feelings, or lack of experience, lack of (unbiased or no) education, and most importantly non-primary sources? I am just so very shocked, saddened, appalled by the ignorance and complete lack of any current source that is not biased/manipululated/skewed from facts and primary sources. I see stats manipulated then abbreviated by our government and media that is just pure bs. I see it on this platform and literally all other forums/media/institutions, government related or non-profit etc. I see us all being 'socially engineered.' We are already far worse off than the movie 'Idiocracy.' There was the age of enlightenment, the Industrial revolution, and many other periods, today, we are in the midst of ignorance with a cell phone.

  • keepcarrot [she/her]
    3 years ago

    My hexbear hot take is that the corporate/capitalist critique in Idiocracy is actually really on point and if the movie had taken two steps to the left and didn't have the punching down on poor culture and the eugenics, it would have been a pretty good film.

    If that needed to be done, the core premise would be that corporate structures need well trained educated workers (often, not always), but they're always motivated to dumb down education to suppress dissent, resulting in these intensely banal bureaucratic structures in a nominally "free market" society. I'd watch that movie.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I'd be down for a hexbear rewrite project if anyone else wants in. But I'm also the sort of person that lurches randomly from project to project

    • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
      3 years ago

      Punching down on poor culture is a license to print money in this country. For the rich to feel superior and for a lot of the poor to feel like we can escape poverty/classification as poor by feeling like “well I’m not like those people” and have a little bit of that superiority vicariously

      Edit: topically, my Uber is listening to a radio station in la with a segment called “redneck news” and it’s exactly what you’d expect, talking shit about people in the south doing dumb shit set to banjo music lol

  • Rem [she/her]
    3 years ago

    This is awful, I hated reading this, fuck u for writing it :centrist:

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can't read this, could you format it in like seven different font sizes and colors?

    • Luddites4Christ [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Anything for a troop nephew o7

      BA in 😀🔥 Social 👭 Science 🔭 from 🙃 Sacramento State 👌 Here, 🈁📌🈁📌🈁📌 Global 🌎 Dumbing worse 🦋🧚🏽✨ than 👩‍❤️‍👨📈 Global 🌎 Warming! Global 🌎 Dumbing not 🥴 Global 🌎 Warming In 👇 my 🥴 opinion 😤 and observance: We 🔞👦 should 💘👶 be 🧍🏻 more 🙅 concerned with global 🌎 (more ➕ accurately, USA) 🇺🇸 dumbing not 🚯 global 🌎 warming! Where, 🤷 what 😦 subreddit ⤵️ or elsewhere can 👁️ I 😇 observe opinion/thoughts/researched information 💁‍♂ that 👉 is not 🚯 based 👌 on 🏠😜🏠 beliefs 🌈 from 😲 biased social 👭 media, 📵 agendalized government, 💩 emotional 😭 cues and triggers, illogical assumptions, mostly 💁🙋 coming 🏃 from 🙃 feelings, 😭 or lack 🚓🚄 of experience, 😋😋 lack 📉 of (unbiased or no) 😤❌ education, 📚 and most 🦁 importantly non-primary sources? 📰🎨 I 😀 am 🚫🌈 just 👁️ so very 😫 shocked, 😮😳 saddened, appalled 😧 by 🎅 the ignorance 🦇🐺 and complete 🚫 lack 📉 of any 🕺 current ⌚ source 🚨😔 that 😈 is not 🪥 biased/manipululated/skewed from 👩 facts 📕 and primary sources. 📰🎨 I 😊 see 👀 stats manipulated then 😪 abbreviated by 🍴 our ✂️✂️ government 💩 and media 📞 that 🌸 is just ❓ pure 😘 bs. 💩 I 😀😊😀😀😀😀 see 👀 it on 😹 this platform 😡😡😡 and literally 👌 all 💯 other 👹 forums/media/institutions, government 💩 related 👪 or non-profit etc. 📒 I 🤡 see 👏 us 🤢🤮 all 💯 being ❌ ‘socially engineered.’ We 👯 are already 😃🤢 far 🌌 worse 😫 off 🥵 than 😽💰 the movie 🎦 ‘Idiocracy.’ There 🎆🎆 was the age 🔞 of enlightenment, the Industrial 👩‍🏭 revolution, 💥 and many 💯 other 🏭 periods, today, 😔 we 👩‍❤️‍👨 are in 🧸 the midst of ignorance 🤷‍♂ with a cell 📳 phone. 📱