Luddites4Christ [none/use name]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2021


  • See I don’t find any of those arguments persuasive, and if someone is genuinely looking for rigorous critique they shouldn’t either.

    The existence or non-existence of a refugee crisis is probably the strongest argument, but is easily challenged. “China’s control is just that powerful”, “The genocide is through authoritarian control and only limited state violence. So refugees aren’t necessarily present.”

    As for the Muslim countries claim, there’s a lot of weird assumptions there. Primarily that state actors would give a shit about human rights abuses when it goes against their national interests to complain.

    And finally, Zenz is a creep. Yeah some folks will find this persuasive, but it’s still a bad argument. A fallacy is a fallacy, if you’re talking to someone who cares about the weight of evidence they (and I) won’t give a shit about who he is unless you can demonstrate how his others beliefs affect how he interprets his research.

  • Every argument about the uyghurs.

    “Adrian ZoopZoop bad”

    Ad hominem, and not persuasive. Of course you don’t like your political opponents, why would anyone ever be convinced by you criticizing him for his weird evangelism when you say little about his actual academic work.

    “Nitpicking over definitions of genocide”

    Obviously dumb.

    Just read the fucking papers. They’re not complicated, find the evidence backing up the claims they’re making and figure out how it poorly supports the claims made. Same thing with the organ harvesting stuff. When you actually read the original stuff you can readily take apart the arguments being used there.

    I saw someone link an article they claimed was about Chinese troll farms to support a claim about Reddit being astroturfed. One of you fuckers probably just called him a CIA asset as if that’s not the exact same stupid argument but this time without a supporting source. All you had to do was read the abstract of it to learn that the actual conclusions of the paper were that there weren’t any actual “farms”, just people posting after work to Chinese social media, not reddit or any western social media. It was literally the easiest dunk in the world but they couldn’t be bothered to read anything that isn’t 100+ Year old pamphlets. I used to be much more critical of China, but I shifted on it by reading the sources supporting the critical claims and finding them worthless. Meanwhile most tankie China posts are just masturbatory bad faith in-group circlejerks. The western propaganda is not hard to dismantle if you’d just fucking try. But no, just use fallacious arguments for the 1,000,000th time and enjoy trolling the libs.

  • Appreciate the rundown, I’m largely tech illiterate.

    My only sometimes desire for the kobo is a larger screen for PDFs, but you trade off with reduced portability. The UI is quite functional, even if there are a few issues with organization if you have a large number of documents.

  • That’s fair, particularly if you’re comfortable loading up a new operating system. If I ever acquired a kindle that’s what I’d likely do. I considered changing out the kobo software, but it’s unintrusive enough that I’ve never felt the need. Are there significant advantages to the reader you linked in your other comment?

  • I use a kobo Clara and it works well. Any e-ink screen takes a little time to get used to navigating, and if it’s PDFs you’ll want the larger model to make visibility easier. I think it’s a bit more expensive than the kindle, but you’re also escaping amazon.