Fuck too slow
Tracer wasn't intended to have a penis
Death of the author, losers :shrug-outta-hecks:
BRB gonna transition someone into the metaverse
Feels like there was a time in movies where every white dude in his 60s looked like Marcus from Indiana Jones
I give it a 70% chance that the victim did not, in fact, die by suicide
I cant believe all these people self-selected to hang out in a reddit clone with 10 times more pedantry, solipsism and JAQing off. Who would have thought that HackerNews would become a haven to thousands of wannabe Stephenson protagonists? I can smell the smugness and imported beer from here.
This came off as snarky but its not directed towards you
The highly anticipated sequel to They Live
Now I'm wondering if worms can feel the effects of any substances built up in your tissues. Don't cannabanoids store in your fat?
They forgot the apostrophe T in *can't"
It does tend to veer into the sexual way too often, but not even in a cool way, in a tiresome and uncomfortable "everyone can tell you're getting off on this but you refuse to admit it" way. Im thinking about that guy who built himself a :gamer-gulag: at CPAC or whatever
Oh yeah? Well I'm going to burp, and if any of you woke flatulent moralists should find yourself in the path of my gaseous bolus, it will be no fault of mine
Beating a glass jar of marinara sauce against my forehead repeatedly in an attempt to crush it like a beer can as I blast Trapt's Headstrong while badly shadowboxing to psych myself up for my imminent fight against my stepdad for stealing all my NFTs
Megathread was locked:shrug-outta-hecks:
Things That Definitely Exist But I Can't Be Bothered To Check, Vol 1:
A fan-made Ash-from-Evil-Dead music video set to Avenged Sevenfold's Hail to the King
Honestly thank goodness, that outghta make sure nobody brings their bad vibes in here
If you're just avoiding alcohol and don't have a problem with other stuff, ive found kratom to be a good social drug