The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) has to be up there. Literally glorifies the stock market and presents a finance bro job as the key to happiness. There's a scene near the start where Will Smith is outside the NYSE looking at all the suits going in and out and narrating how he was inspired by how happy everyone was, and how this inspired him to bootlick his way into some internship, the pursuit of which literally requires him to alienate his friends and family and sleep in subway bathrooms with his five-year-old son. Everyone in the movie is a lazy, unscrupulous asshole, except for the rich people, of course, who are portrayed as generous and open-minded for allowing Will Smith in the door after he kisses their asses the whole movie. All of his struggle with homelessness and poverty etc. is portrayed not as injustice but as the ideal scenario, rewarding the hardest, most dedicated worker with a job. It is literally r/upliftingnews: the movie.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I mean, it kidna makes sense. The idea that some people just have the divine mandate and should be listened to but then it is randomly distrobuted so it is kinda fair. Honestly it kinda makes more sense than neoliberalism. At least the way J.R.R tolkien writes about it anyway. I am not up to speed on the theory

    • discontinuuity [he/him]
      3 years ago

      All I know about it came from this reddit thread and it sounds pretty stupid, what did Tolkien have to say about it?

      • FidelCashflow [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Nah, he was before reddit brain. So he didn't have a treatise on it. That was just how his world worked. If you were a prince, it didnt matter if you just had a broken sword and no kingdom. Or if your kingdom was lost to a drgaon. But also, if you weren't a prince having a kingdom wouldn't make you one. Which I get is different from how modern folk describe the ideology. However it it an utterly unserious idea so I don't care.