What are you folks having a hard time finding in local stores during the pandemic?

I have experienced shortages of toilet paper, flour, water, canned goods, and now lumber. Home Depot and Lowes currently have low or no stock of a lot of lumber. For example I can't buy a 4x4 post off the shelf anywhere in my metro area.

Share your own scarcity struggles to help us get a better picture of what's going on out there

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's not been too bad here in the UK in all honesty. There was a short shortage of bread and loo roll. The second month or so was tough for basic medicine, and almost devoid of any kind of cleaning supplies, and it was impossible to buy flour in local shops and supermarkets.

    Some of my neighbours and me bought flour and other baking stuff from a restaurant supplier who had loads in big sacks and portioned it out in bags and just set up a table with it on at the end of the street and an honesty box if people wanted to donate a quid or whatever.

    COVIDs been an absolute shit show here in so many ways, but we haven't had too much problem with that sort of thing. If you were somewhere rural a good distance from a supermarket however, that would have been a lot tougher.