Time to brag. What has gone right for everyone this week?

Exercise once? Set a new PR? Start doing cardio? Seeing good progress?

Here's where to share!

:vuvuzela: :vuvuzela: :vuvuzela: :vuvuzela: :vuvuzela: :vuvuzela:

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Starting to see some definition in my arms. Still got a long way to go to get to where I want to be, but good to see some results after sticking with a routine for a while.

    Was hoping to lose some weight too, but that's been a bit more difficult. I'm not in a bad place, just a few pounds overweight, but I've been wanting to get closer to my weight in my senior year of HS. Felt about as good as I ever have back then and considering I'm getting older I'd like to take some weight off of my leg joints.