Ceterum censeo political cum piss esse delendam

:marx-joker: <-- Click here for full size

    • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
      3 years ago

      When you're so gripped by capitalist realism that neoliberal problems still exist in your imaginary world


      and the anarchist one is described as “a bleeding-heart liberal paradise”?

      Being sociopathic chuds, "empathy" is an eldrich concept to pcm brain that are stuffed into the "libleft" and often is their only characteristic

      and the authright one is described as “abhramic unity” where christains, muslims, and jews live together as if fascist fundamentalists would tolerate each other.

      I know some about these type. Basically what they meant is their favorite flavor of abrahamic religion being on the top while the others exist purely as aesthetical accessories.

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        3 years ago

        You know this guy thought he was SO CLEVER when he thought of having the meteorite fragment hit Solomon's temple--"haha 'temple' as in part of the head, not as in a place of worship, haha I'm so clever, haha."
