• LeninWeave [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        It's OK, the website has an emoji for absolutely everything. In this case: :wall-talk:

        • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Yes, why do they and why haven't you done any reading to inform yourself of this history despite a forum of communists telling you the same thing over and over?

          This is an easy question to answer but you've already demonstrated bad faith bullshitting so I'm not going to be your teacher until you show some fucking humility.

            • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
              3 years ago

              What do you mean bullshitting?

              Bad faith attempts at gotchas, obvious R*dditor brain, and pretending to understand topics you've never read about.

              I’ve never once claimed to be an expert on anything.

              I didn't say you did. :cope: better, fucking liberal.

              In fact, the majority of what I’ve done here on Hexbear is ask questions.

              Most of your questions are pissbaby attempts at gotchas, rhetorical. You apparently expect others to not recognize this lol.

              And I've already told you I'm not gonna teach you shit until you show a modicum of humility. And no, whining about people shitting in your bad takes is not humility.

              I think your ego is way overinflated and YOU are the one who needs some humility. Everyone makes mistakes. Even you.

              Yeah I make mistakes all the time but you know what I don't do? Start acting like a bad-faith pissbaby and lying about what others are saying. I also actually try to recognize my ignorance.

              Though of course, I haven't been in way dishonest with you and you're just trying to deflect, yet again. Stop changing the subject :LIB:.

                • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Like what, specifically? Can you point me to some comment I made that was this way? I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. If what I’m doing is being interpreted that way, then I apologize, because that is never my intention.

                  I already told you that many were rhetorical questions. I need to spell it out for you? You really want to go with the rhetoric of, "I just can't figure it out?" Because I believe you absolutely can figure it out but are choosing to argue rather than do the necessary self-crit.

                  I'd be happy to show you a few examples if you admit you are truly incapable of reviewing your own comments for shitty rhetorical questions that aren't actually addressing what I said, but deflecting / attempting a "gotcha". But I'd rather you went and did it yourself, since you have repeatedly acted in bad faith and this would be an example of you putting in the basic work of being a humble person. I am in no way interested in fetching an example for you just for you to whine some more rather than acknowledge being shitty.

                  Like what, specifically?

                  Like I keep saying, you don't even know the different basic senses of the word communism. This, despite calling yourself an ancom, lol. And virtually every attempt at a comeback reveals new ignorance. Rather than me listing them, how about you go back to all this shit you've deflected and actually respond? Remember, I'm not your teacher and you have yet to demonstrate good faith.

                  I’ve read quite a lot, actually.

                  Just not about the things you keep trying to discuss and dunk on people with.

                  Obviously nobody can read everything, even everything that folks like yourself may consider “basic”. There really is just too much material out there.

                  More bad faith coping. I've been very clear that the problem is you keeping forming and sharing strong opinions about topics you don't understand. You're now whining as if I've expected you to have read everything on the planet. That is a dishonest reaction, mischaracterizing the nature of my point so that you can save that fragile ego from some self-crit. You would avoid these kinds of situations if you eliminated the tendency of speaking and dunking in ignorance, assuming you never feel comfortable admitting to specific errors in a conversation.

                  That’s one of the reasons I was so happy to see a place like Hexbear on the web, where leftists could talk to one another and learn from each other. But that’s not what I’ve found here. I’ve found a lot of defensive/confrontational people who are off-putting instead of welcoming.

                  You cannot ask me or anyone else to believe that you're just here to learn. You are not simply asking questions from a place of humility, you're trying to dunk. And when presented with this face, you're whining even more and pretending you didn't, asking for receipts like you're a baby who can't remember or read their own words. In reality, we're just exploring how low you're willing to go to protect your ego, how many fractal excuses you can make to avoid admitting you had some shitty takes based in R*dditor ignorance.

                  Actually, you said I was being arrogant, I believe. Which implies that you think that I think I know what I’m talking about. I’m always going to be the first to say that I may not know what I’m talking about. Always.

                  You don't need to come up with these little fictions about what's implied, I've told you exactly what you being arrogant means. You're presenting strong opinions about a topic you've never read. You are choosing to make shit up rather than contend with my very clear criticism. In case you need it spelled out, making shit up about what others are saying is lying.

                  Maybe you’ve just run into too many ACTUAL arrogant people in your life and you’re applying that to just everyone new you meet? I don’t know.

                  More coping and excuses for your mistakes. The idea that you straw manned me could never actually enter your mind, right? Better make up some more stories!

                  Actually, they’re not. But if you’re interpreting them that way, then I suppose you need to make an adjustment?

                  Actually, they are. It would be in-character for you to not know when you're asking rhetorical questions, though. Or, better, to pretend to not know what one is because it's been used to criticize you.

                  Here's a cool one: "Why aren’t these energy generators nationalized? I thought this was a communist country??"

                  Oh and another: "You know why the left isn’t as popular as other philosophies, right? People like you."

                  i.e. your pissbaby shit you use to avoid criticism. You just can't help yourself, either - you even tried to make this criticism of you a criticism of me, yet again. Then you act surprised when people think you act in bad faith.

                  Like I’ve said, multiple times now, I’ve never claimed to be an expert on anything. I am often wrong. What else do you want from me?

                  I've told you exactly what humility looks like in this context. You do not need to pretend that I've implied you need to be an expert on anything. That is another example of acting in bad faith.

                  Where have I lied about anyone? Can you please point this out to me? Because I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about here.

                  I called it out when you did it. You deflected. Go revisit those times and list them, attempt to explain them. Then I will respond to that.

                  Me too! That’s why I ask questions!

                  The most hilariously ignorant point you made could be answered in ten minutes of googling after scores of people told you you were wrong. You've instead spent over a day writing replies rather than becoming informed. You've also doubled down on deflection and self-pity rather than doing any self-crit for why everyone is shitting on you - and thus moving on so that people will think you're acting in good faith. Such curiosity!

                  I’m not trying to change the subject. I’m just addressing the things you’re saying in your comments.

                  Lashing out like a child with, "I'm rubber, you're glue" is not addressing the things I'm saying. It's deflecting from the criticism.

                  What would you like to discuss, specifically?

                  What are the relevant senses of the word, "communism" that would lead others to make fun of you for criticizing China as not being communist despite being run by the Chinese Communist Party?

                  Explain the answer to me and cite your sources. It will take you just a few minutes if you know how to use a search engine and are actually curious.

            • LeninWeave [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              In fact, the majority of what I’ve done here on Hexbear is ask questions.

              Please repeat after me: JAQing off is not a virtue. Don't show up places and ask leading, bullshit questions all over the place, then claim you didn't do anything.