Edit - This is just a video of BadEmpanada dunking on cringe Xanderhal/Vaush takes. Not an attempt to start a new struggle session.

On point. If you have the time to watch a twitch streamer ramble on, you probably have time to buy beans and rice.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
    3 years ago

    At the end of the day this is probably a big nothing burger, BadEmpanada made a twitch clip with a provocative title about veganism to make people argue in the comments/share the video and drive user engagement metrics. He is a based communist but first and foremost a small business owner, and has been clear about this in the past.

    Anyone of influence who uses anglo moralist language about an issue on social media is fundamentally trying to manipulate an emotional knee-jerk response from the audience. Whether it is for monetary gain or a greater social good (if that even exists) is up for debate, but this is clearly an example of the former.