I'm pretty sure that didn't exist before the internet. To be clear, I mean the shit some rando said on :reddit-logo: you know?

  • aaro [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Spending a ton of time dunking is the junk food of being a leftist. It feels like substance but it's not. You could spend your available leftist energy doing real things, but dunking is easier and it's available, plus it feels really good.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      You could spend your available leftist energy doing real things

      There is very rarely a one-to-one trade off between doing on-the-ground activism and pissing into the wind on a website.

      Case in point, I'm posting this from my office on my boss's dime.

  • eve_fartlow [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Excuse me, I think you are supposed to get consent before dropping your mental load onto us


    Hey, I’m so glad you reached out. I’m actually at capacity dealing with the emotional Labour of being a Zionist, so I don’t think I can hold appropriate space for you at this time.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Lenin wrote entire books dunking on Kautsky. A lot of Marx's writings directly quote Max Stirner plus he'd have fueds with Herbert Spencer in the newspapers.

    Dunking isn't new. There's Roman grafitti talking shit on local public figures. I think Dante put a judge he didn't like in hell?

    • Pirate [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I made sure to mention that it's about reddit randos and not dunking in general

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Oh I see I see, sorry

        Yeah I have no idea. I had the misfortune to be on usenet way back before reddit existed and they were always fighting over something someone said in some other thread.

    • Three_Magpies [he/him]
      3 years ago

      As I recall, Dante put many people he didn't like in hell. A lot of the poem was Dante weighing in on societal / political issues of the time, such as the developing religious schism between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. He even did this thing where he would put something like, "This Spot is Reserved for ______" for people he thought would go to Hell, but were still alive.

    • inshallah2 [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Hexer: "Hey, you!"

      Stranger: "Yes?"

      Hexer: "Fuck you!"

      Stranger: "What?"

      Hexer: "For that thing you said yesterday!"

      Stranger: "Are you a crazy person?"

      Hexer: "Don't lie. You know what I'm talking about."

  • Cherufe [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Browsing this site has been a much better experience since I unsuscribed from the_dunk_tank

  • BruceWillis [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    yeah i don't understand why people post that garbage. like, who cares? there's commenter on reddit who was stupid? WOWWW

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    I started using :reddit-logo: almost immediately after graduating high school so I had a stream of shitty takes beforehand

    • crime [she/her, any]
      3 years ago

      Weird how we can't unsubscribe from c/DeathToAmerica or c/China or other things of interest to many leftists either

            • Pirate [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              I actually made the post for us to talk about the whole dunking thing not complain because as you said I can just unsubscribe

              • IDF_Summer_Camp [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                What's to discuss? People enjoy different content. And people also come and go; it's hardly all the same people as werehere a year ago. You make a good point about reddit randoms, frankly I skip those posts, especially because they're usually paragraphs long and :bugs-no: to that. But I also don't think I see that many such posts, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                But known people from Twitter or online or media? Give me that slop!

  • CopsDyingIsGood [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I don't really understand the appeal of the dunk tank. I don't give a fuck what new dumb shit some dumb lib said. They're a dumb lib, of course they're gonna say dumb shit. No point getting mad about it

  • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
    3 years ago

    One of the reasons shitredditsays dropped off was because their posters got burnt out from reading :reddit-logo: takes. It can be exhausting if you let it

    • keepcarrot [she/her]
      3 years ago

      What was SRS like from the inside? I have no idea what they talked about, dunked on, or whatever, I just knew that people would sometimes reference being brigaded by them.

      • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It was honestly a lot like the old chapo sub, and there certainly were a lot of crossover posters. Much less communist, much more feminist. Since their focus was almost entirely on awful :reddit-logo: posts, the vibes were definitely angrier. I'm glad I found it when I did, because I was young and impressionable and it helped me realise that, hey, some of the "just jokes" on reddit weren't just jokes

        • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Oh and srs got brigaded constantly, like way more than cth in its prime. They had a super active mod team and a culture of heckling the chuds that let them deal with it. It made them such a good boogeyman for the rest of reddit since they couldn't match their posting abilities