• Quimby [any, any]
    3 years ago

    I, of course, support all the laborers and strikes. But I am a bit worried about the potential suffering incurred by a healthcare workers strike. Access to healthcare is already pretty bad in this country.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      3 years ago

      Healthcare workers strikes involve plans for patient care. They're usually striking because the hospital has them stretched too thin to effectively care for their patients.

      details on the mechanics of patient care during nurse strikes

      RNs organize to improve patient care and their own profession, not to strike

      When RNs do vote to strike, they create mechanisms to ensure the well-being of their patients and the community. These include a Patient Protection Task Force and a 10-day written strike notice to give the hospital time to prepare.

      How CNA/NNU nurses protect patients in the event of a strike

      When CNA/NNU RNs strike, they create several mechanisms to ensure the well-being of their patients and community.

      10-Day Notice: The nurses give the hospital written notice, 10 days in advance, of their intent to strike as required by law. This is to give the hospital time to stop admitting new patients and begin the process of transferring patients who can be safely moved.

      Patient Protection Task Force: A task force of RNs meets to help make the process of patient transfers and hospital phase-down go as smoothly as possible. Before the strike begins, the task force determines which patients may be safely transferred each day.

      Nurse-Controlled Emergency Care: The Patient Protection Task Force makes a professional nursing assessment of each situation where emergency assistance is requested after the strike begins and will assign a nurse to stabilize the patient if necessary.

      see National Nurses United for more info