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  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    There's a remarkably vast propaganda effort in place to keep people from realizing what the military actually does. A lot of people have no idea what they're signing up for.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        A lot of it isn't bloodthirsty at all. Tons of commercials focus on helping your community (for the National Guard) or doing humanitarian stuff abroad. Other propaganda doesn't get into details at all -- it's about "service" and "honor" and the good patriotic feelings people get from flag waving and doing flyovers.

        Where violence is shown at all -- mostly movies and video games -- it's often a tack-on to an otherwise glamorous story (Top Gun) or presented as a justified response to cartoonishly evil antagonists. There's also a whole swath of PG-13 military cheerleading (all the Transformers movies).

        It's not ignorance so much as it's every person in a position of power telling kids that the military is cool and good. It's propaganda, and propaganda works.

        • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
          3 years ago

          or presented as a justified response to cartoonishly evil antagonists.

          Yes, that's the bloodthirsty terrifying part. They tell you that you're signing up to go slaughter hordes of evil brown demons with no souls who want nothing more than to kill you first.

          • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Who's saying it's an excuse? It's a mitigating factor, and it's important to understand why people do things if you want to change what they do, but no one's saying this sort of thing absolves someone of all responsibility for their actions.

              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                3 years ago

                People treat troops and cops differently because they're different. Both are bad, but they aren't the same.

                • Troop: Recruiter is in their high school, they sign up when they're years away from being able to drink or rent a car (sometimes when they're minors), they have no experience with the reality of the job because we don't send the military to occupy American towns, and when they do get face to face with the reality of the job they're halfway around the world and will get thrown in prison if they try to quit.
                • Cop: Generally not recruited at all, most join a few big years later than troops (and often with a degree that makes them more employable), they have some idea of what cops do because they've been in places cops police growing up, and they can quit whenever they want with no consequences.

                In short, cops go into the job more intentionally, with more information and maturity, and they have nothing holding them there but money once they're in. And this still isn't excusing troops for participating in the imperial death machine. I've never seen anyone on here suggest that.

                • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  Literally the only reason anyone here treats cops and troops differently is because there is a fractional chance that the police might negatively affect them, while the Troops only harass those dumb subhuman foreigners.

                  There is literally nothing else to it.

                  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    Other than those material differences I listed, you mean.

                    There's a pretty big difference between "this person can just drive home and quit with no consequences" and "this person will get thrown in prison in a foreign country if they try to quit," for starters.

                    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                      3 years ago

                      Right no former cops have ever faced any danger from their former colleagues.

                      Every American soldier is executed on the spot if they say they want to stop killing children.

                      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        Do you think this is a productive way to have a conversation with other leftists?

                        • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                          3 years ago

                          I don't think any of you would be amenable to any examination of your hypocrisy even in the most hand-holding of tone.

                          • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                            3 years ago

                            Assuming everyone else is wrong and being an asshole to them is wrecker shit.

                            • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                              3 years ago

                              There's no assumption going on here. If you maintain that All Cops Are Bastards and There May Have Been Mitigating Circumstances For Some Of The Troops, it's because you're able to draw an insanely arbitrary line on what's acceptable that just happens to mean that killing foreign subhumans doesn't matter as much as killing human Americans. Literally any reasoning you concoct will be a post-hoc justification so you don't have to examine your biases.

                              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                3 years ago

                                It's not an arbitrary line at all. I went into detail on the differences, but you've ignored all of that to do wrecker shit instead.

                                • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                  3 years ago

                                  Troops who quit aren't imprisoned in foreign countries as a rule.

                                  There is arguably more copaganda than there is military propaganda. A good half of the ten most popular shows on TV right now are about cops.

                                  The idea that everyone goes into the fucking military not knowing that the point is to murder people while every cop is a hardened money-whore familiar with the realities of policing is some bullshit you made up to justify your national chauvinism.

                                  In fact, I'd argue that far more people enter the police as starry-eyed idealists because it's possible for a human being with a brain to think that policing could be good. Everyone knows that the point of a military is to kill people. Everyone.

                                  The best possible case for someone going into the police is that they think they can do good in their community. The best possible case for someone going into the military is that they think killing people for four years is worth a free college education.

                                  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                    3 years ago

                                    If you're in Iraq and decide to quit the military, the first place you're going is some sort of detention facility in Iraq. It's not even comparable to cops, who can just stop showing up to work one day.

                                    There's lots of copaganda, sure, but Americans are much closer to the reality of American policing than they are to the reality of American imperialism.

                                    The idea that everyone goes into the fucking military not knowing that the point is to murder people while every cop is a hardened money-whore

                                    Did I say that? You're not on reddit anymore.

                                    And while everyone knows the military kills people, killing is sometimes justified. I'm sure you have no problem killing Nazis, right? One big aim of military propaganda is to portray whoever we're fighting as deserving of the same sort of violence.

                                    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                      3 years ago

                                      If you’re in Iraq and decide to quit the military, the first place you’re going is some sort of detention facility in Iraq.

                                      Quitting the military is an involved process that can take a dozen different routes. Most people aren't imprisoned.

                                      There’s lots of copaganda, sure, but Americans are much closer to the reality of American policing than they are to the reality of American imperialism.

                                      Americans didn't figure out that the police are bad until last year and the jury is still out.

                                      And while everyone knows the military kills people, killing is sometimes justified. I’m sure you have no problem killing Nazis, right? One big aim of military propaganda is to portray whoever we’re fighting as deserving of the same sort of violence.

                                      Sounds like the bevy of propaganda about how cops are valiant community-serving guys who sometimes have to make hard decisions in the aforementioned every popular show.

                                      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                        3 years ago

                                        Say you're 17-18 and you join the military because you think we're the good guys and we're only doing carefully targeted violence towards the bad guys. You arrive in Iraq and quickly figure out that's all bullshit -- we're not doing anything good, and much of what we do indiscriminately kills a ton of civilians along the way. You refuse to fight. There's no way out of that situation that doesn't see you behind bars for at least a while. Even if you're detained relatively briefly before you're court martialed and kicked out -- the best case scenario -- you now have the equivalent of a felony conviction on your record, which will fuck with your housing, education, and employment for the rest of your life.

                                        If you're a cop and you want to quit, you can just stay home until they fire you. No detention, no trial, no black mark on your record. There's no comparison.

                                        Americans didn’t figure out that the police are bad until last year

                                        Things boiled over last year, but there's plenty of longstanding hostility towards the police on both the left and the right. It's easier to sell military propaganda than cop propaganda because people actually spend time around police. If I tell a bullshit story about something happening in your backyard and a second bullshit story about something happening 7000 miles away, which is easier to see through?

                                        • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                          3 years ago

                                          Yeah none of this is true. There are a ton of ways to be discharged without ruining your record or being imprisoned.

                                          There is 5x as much copaganda in the US as army propaganda. Again, half of the most popular shows are about cops.

                                          If being an American inherently led to an awareness of the realities of American policing, we would not live in the world we live in. BLM would not have had to happen and Joe Biden would not be president. Unfortunately, most American are exactly as ignorant about the realities of policing as they are the realities of soldiering.

                                          • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                            3 years ago

                                            Tell me how some 18-year-old who was just deployed to Iraq can quit without at minimum a dishonorable discharge.

                                            On propaganda, the amount isn't as important as how easy it is to see through. If someone bombards you with tons of propaganda about something you have personal experience with, that propaganda isn't going to be that effective. But if you're bombarded with propaganda about something foreign to you, you're more likely to buy it.

                                            People don't have a full awareness of the reality of American policing, they just have more of an awareness of it than they do of what the military does. It's stuff happening in your backyard vs. across the globe.

                                            • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                              3 years ago

                                              Tell me how some 18-year-old who was just deployed to Iraq can quit without at minimum a dishonorable discharge.

                                              You start at conscientious objector and go from there. There are about a dozen ways.

                                              So Americans are aware of the reality of policing, which is why they slurp down bucketloads of propaganda in a full half of the top ten shows on TV.

                                              If Americans had 1/100th of the familiarity with policing that you're ascribing, Joe Biden would not be President, Kamala Harris would not be Vice President, Black Lives Matter would not have been defeated, Liberals would not be creaming themselves over that one Capitol Hill cop, and half of the most watched shows in the US would not be copaganda. You are simply wrong and a national chauvinist.

                                              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                3 years ago

                                                You can't claim conscientious objector status after you volunteer for military service. You're just making stuff up.

                                                As for American familiarity with policing, consider the reaction you'd get for "fuck the troops" vs. "fuck the police." One is far beyond the pale outside of small, politically irrelevant leftist groups because it's met with such universal opposition. The other is a mainstream rap song people still listen to 30 years later.

                                                • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                                  3 years ago

                                                  You can file for conscientious objector status after enlisting, look it up.

                                                  And yes, Americans are more aware of policing than the military, but that is extremely localized and to any extent that it's broad, it's recent. Any time prior to maybe five years ago if you said "fuck the police" to a white person they would look like you'd just fucked their mother in front of them.

                                                  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                    3 years ago

                                                    No, that's incorrect, and you'd still get a dishonorable discharge in any event. And no one gets conscientious objector status if they wake up one day and don't want to fight -- you basically have to be a lifelong committed pacifist to even have a shot at it.

                                                    Any time prior to maybe five years ago if you said “fuck the police” to a white person they would look like you’d just fucked their mother in front of them.

                                                    This is also incorrect. There are sizeable segments of both the left and the right who've long been hostile to police, and direct (but more careful) criticism of the police has a long history at least among Democrats.

                                                      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                        3 years ago

                                                        I didn't look it up because I know you're wrong, and you're the one making the assertion anyway. I'm not your research assistant.

                                                        By sizeable segments you mean 0.5% of each (white) population

                                                        You're totally disconnected from reality. Plenty of people knew there were serious issues with the cops long before five years ago.

                                                        You're back to just making shit up -- I'm done here.

                                                              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                                3 years ago

                                                                Lmao your own source -- had you bothered to even skim it -- shows you're full of shit. But keep calling other leftists Nazis. If you're not a cop, you're doing a cop's job.

                                                                • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                                                  3 years ago

                                                                  you're doing a cop's job

                                                                  Oh sorry let me go on a tour of the Middle East and murder a few children, I know that's far more acceptable to you "people"

                                                                  • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                                    3 years ago

                                                                    "DEBATE ME DEBAETE ME DEABATE MEEME1!!!1!!!"

                                                                    You're a wrecker and a miserable piece of shit, so I'm going with


                                                                    • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                                                      3 years ago

                                                                      Lmao most intellectually honest and curious American.

                                                                      You've demonstrated every single thing I asserted, you soulless bug.

                                                                      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                                                                        3 years ago

                                                                        lol someone just learned the phrase "intellectually curious"


                                                                        • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                                                          3 years ago

                                                                          You're so sure of your information and your convictions and yet you can't demonstrate what you're saying. Seems like some kind of soulless bug to me.

                                                                            • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                                                                              3 years ago

                                                                              Yes sir, Major! I'll get right back to my acceptable duties of scraping dead children off of tank treads!