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  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It’s not “I want free college” it’s more “I want financial stability and higher education without going massively into debt” and then they obscure and hide the actual terrible shit you will do in the military.

      • RedArmor [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It’s not, but that is not how the idea is framed to be people. We all here on this site understand that is what is going to happen. But for so stupid kid in highschool who sees a recruiter everyday, they don’t view it through that lens. And yes, obviously adults still join to, but they also on some level lack the critical understanding of just exactly what it means to get involved in the armed force of empire.

        • FidelCastro [he/him]M
          3 years ago

          It’s fucking ridiculous how up their own ass some people are about this.

          • RedArmor [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I mean I’m a veteran and I try to come at this point from a materialist perspective. People assume that every single person who enlists is foaming at the mouth for blood. Yes, obviously there are psycho weirdos who join, but most are not like that and are working class.

            But they always post that fucking heritage foundation article about troops not actually being in the working class and are wealthy or whatever. If they were, why would they join the military thats main incentive to join is the basic necessities that have been commodified?

            • FidelCastro [he/him]M
              3 years ago

              People assume that every single person who enlists is foaming at the mouth for blood

              That’s often a pretty good tell that someone grew up well-off, honestly. I know a lot of people that enlisted and they weren’t chuds when they went in. A lot of them came out that way, though, unfortunately.

              heritage foundation article

              What the fuck? I have mod powers in this comm and I will scrub that shit. Let me go find it.

              • LeninWeave [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                What the fuck? I have mod powers in this comm and I will scrub that shit. Let me go find it.

                Unfortunately, I don't think many people other than CIA-ass think tanks care about this.


                Here's a different article, from CFR (the same people who run FP, so CIA, but like I said - no one else cares). Family income of service members obviously isn't public, so they can only base it on the neighborhoods they come from, but the fact remains it's virtually guaranteed many in the military are not joining up because they're pushed to by their poverty (some are, but that's not my point here).

                Most probably aren't enlisting because they're foaming at the mouth, either (though I suspect the number is much higher in the few years after 9/11). Many just enlist because they believe the propaganda, then they go abroad and do horrible things, and often come back still believing it. They whole "poverty" argument always strikes me as obliquely excusing it. I acknowledge that a subset of the military are very poor and that's a motivating factor, but unless they come back full of regret and ready to overthrow the system, I don't think it makes anything that much better.

                Those that do come back and organize to oppose the government? Those, I respect. But that doesn't mean we need to start making blanket statements about how all these troops do it because they're poor.

                Edited to rephrase a bit, add bit about 9/11.

                • FidelCastro [he/him]M
                  3 years ago

                  Fair enough, thanks for the chill reply and providing a different source.

              • RedArmor [he/him]
                3 years ago

                The propaganda is even more heightened inside the war machine.

                • FidelCastro [he/him]M
                  3 years ago

                  You’re right, It has to be or it wouldn’t be able to continue. The machine saw what started happening during the Vietnam war and got wise.

                  • RedArmor [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    It’s why the DoD literally has people in Hollywood to make sure the military is in a good light. The pentagon has offices for them and the video game industry. Mainstream media had to get on board too of course.

                    • FidelCastro [he/him]M
                      3 years ago

                      Hollywood turned on them for about 15 or so years before they got it back. Not good for business.

                      The mechanisms at play here just seem really obvious to me. The school to military pipeline is very real and it’s structured in a way so that it owns a person once they sign on the dotted line.

                      No one here is saying that the military actions of any troop is excusable. I’m sure you deal with the guilt of whatever the fuck happened out there, own anything wrong you did, and have hopefully processed it with a therapist.

                      Living in the imperial core and supporting the businesses that profit from imperialism perpetuates this shit as well. Most of us all have some amount of guilt attached. That’s part of what makes capitalism so fucking monstrous.

                      It’s late and I need to crash. Hopefully this was coherent. Solidarity comrade, it was good talking with you.

                      • RedArmor [he/him]
                        3 years ago

                        Honestly I struggle everyday. Therapist is few and far between. I try to just bury myself in party work for the Party of Communists and any organizing/education I can do.

                        Solidarity comrade.

                        • FidelCastro [he/him]M
                          3 years ago

                          That’s completely understandable and I’m sorry it weighs on you so heavily still. Hopefully we can build a world liberated from imperialism (or at least assist those who are doing the liberating).

                          I’ve heard the VA’s mental health services are often pretty impacted, but consider seeing if you can get on a waiting list for recurring therapy. It really does help. I’m in a much better headspace since I started seeing one through a local community clinic.

                          It’s good that you’re finding purpose and working to make things better. Many hands make lighter praxis.
