hello I can't read for shit. for now have given up on reading theory or anything actually difficult

I have a few queer friends who talk about having read queer smut and I'm JEALOUS bc it feels like the only thing I could actually read but also don't really wanna ask what they read so I ask Hexbear instead.

what's good queer smut??

bonus points if transfems are involved, bonus points if scary women being mean are involved. comics are cool, just books are cool, idk, fucking anything I must READ

  • D61 [any]
    6 months ago

    Webcomics incoming

    Its lighthearted and fun, more gender bendy characters. c.urvy.org/

    Just dudes being starfighters in a fleet AND between the sheets, pretty cis https://starfightercomic.com/comic.php

    Single page comics (usually), humorous sex jokes, oglaf.com/