*closing in on one million.
Don't forget his disastrous handling of AIDS when it first appeared, too.
Because liberals somehow convinced themselves that Fauci was secretly resisting Trump and not just going along with everything the Trump admin did which is well documented. Also he rolled his eyes at Trump so he's a #resistance 5 star general now.
Every federal official deserves time in prison and I won't be convinced otherwise.
I'm glad I don't really have to pretend to care about either of these things.
We've been doing that for years. These appear to be the resistant strains that are emerging.
You should see a doctor immediately as this is incredibly threatening to your internal organs
watched like half of the chapelle thing, it was pretty funny but I didn't get why he kept going on about how not anti trans he is while doing unfunny jokes, still had a few good laughs. 7/10
Going to fill up a big bowl with popcorn, flip on the old boob tube, settle in on the couch, and watch the next episode of... uh... Trump's Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Cool, cool, cool. So glad I paid someone money to see this.
That's very unfair to Fauci, it's not like Trump appointed him.
He is Reagan's Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
First 7 minutes of Chapelle's thing is below standard, but he pulls it out of the bag in the end. Haven't seen the Fauci thing