90% of Tibetans wanted Communist liberation, only the 10% of wealthy landowners would be pro-US.
The corrupt Tibetan theocracy in exile hasn't changed at all. You can read about some of the "holy" men the Dalai Lama surrounds himself with:
Intentionally spreading AIDS, sex cults, rampant sexual abuse, sex for favors...
The personal secretary of the Dalai Lama was involved in Keith Raniere's sex cult, and was trading sex for access. The Dalai Lama actually spoke at one of Rainere's events:
It does not necessarily follow that Tibetan dissatisfaction with their autocracy means they still wish to be included in the PRC or at the time wished to join the revolution, athough I have no personal qualms with this state of affairs and in fact think it is largely good. However this is great material for breaking up the notions of people who think the Lamas were any better than Popes (lotta stinkers).
But but our beloved Kween said that Tibetans want independence from evil authoritarian China and back to their old peaceful ways :so-true:
Feudal serfdom :so-true:
Feudal serfdom, Tibet :so-true:
:stuff: liberals love monarchies