I don't even want to sift through it to find the worst highlights. It's just a mix of treating this as a completely normal question and incels gibbering every possible horrible take they could have.

  • daisy
    9 months ago

    tbh I suspect many incels are actually just poorly socialized and don't really talk to people irl

    My (anecdotal non-professional-psychologist) theory is that a lot of male incels didn't have much socialization with girls as children. I keep thinking back to my own childhood. Had a best friend in the same social circles, same classes in school, same hobbies and interests, same geographical area, parents in the same socioeconomic group, went to the same church, etc etc etc. But he went the incel route, and I didn't. The biggest difference between us is that he was an only child with a handful of cousins he rarely saw. I have a younger sister and a lot of female cousins. Between them and their friends, I had plenty of age-appropriate socialization with girls. I remember a lot of occasions when I had tell my friend when he was acting weird around girls.