Franz Liszt, born October 22, 1811, was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger, and organist of the Romantic era. He was additionally a philanthropist, Hungarian nationalist, and Franciscan tertiary.

Liszt gained renown in Europe during the early nineteenth century for his prodigious virtuosic skill as a pianist. He was a friend, musical promoter and benefactor to many composers of his time, including Frédéric Chopin, Charles-Valentin Alkan, Richard Wagner, Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Camille Saint-Saëns, Edvard Grieg, Ole Bull, Joachim Raff, Mikhail Glinka, and Alexander Borodin.

A prolific composer, Liszt was one of the most prominent representatives of the New German School (German: Neudeutsche Schule). He left behind an extensive and diverse body of work that influenced his forward-looking contemporaries and anticipated 20th-century ideas and trends. Among Liszt's musical contributions were the symphonic poem, developing thematic transformation as part of his experiments in musical form, and radical innovations in harmony.

Liszt was also a fantastic arranger, notably arranging La Campanella by Paganini in to a piano solo and all 9 Beethoven symphonies into piano duets. Liszt is often regarded as the “Paganini of the Piano” (or Paganini will be called the “Liszt of the violin) because of not only his incredible performing skills but notable difficulty of his pieces. He was a romantic who’s style has much flair to it, almost all of his pieces (when played properly) wow not only your average non-musician but a good pianist as well. Not to say he was only flashy, his works require not only great technique but musicianship as well. Dynamic contrast is a huge part of many of his works, and if you play without soul his writings sound dead, which would be an insult to Franz.

Credit @Lydia

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Seems like a pretty cool pianist to me :stalin-approval:

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I used to be a huge liberal election nerd. I would get so excited every time there was an election and love how every news story was about capital P Politics.

    But now I'm completely disillusioned with bourgeois electoralism. The last general election in my country provided a result that was as good as you could ever realistically hope it to be, what is considered the right wing collapsed and suffered a humiliating defeat. Instead people voted for what is considered left wing parties, many of whom had campaign promises like taking climate change seriously, ending child poverty and improving welfare services. A succdem government was rushed into office with one of the most decisive majorities behind it in modern times.

    And then what happened? The promises of handling climate change ended in more money for highway construction and a climate plan consisting "we have to become carbon neutral in ten years so we really don't have to do anything for the first eight years" and the climate minister, who has the brain of a golden retriever, doing a "fun" YouTube video about saving the climate by adding a little grated carrots to your meatballs. The foreign minister is a nonce who is best known for having sexual relations to a ninth grader when he was old enough to be her father under a questionable level of consent, and then having his friends in the party leadership make the case disappear. Thus far ending child poverty has resulted in a tiny temporary benefit to as few families as possible and a commission tasked with solving the problem without spending any money, without making the benefits system any less racist and without removing any of the "incentives" making unemployed people desperate to work. The improvement of welfare services has been forgotten and instead they have turned the racism and police state dials to eleven, proving themselves to be at least as bad as the previous right-wing government would have been if they had been allowed to stay in office.

    Bourgeois electoralism doesn't work. It can't work. All it can do is to manufacture consent for an increasingly fascist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

    I used to be excited when they put up election posters. Now they have just put up posters for the upcoming local elections and seeing them just makes me angry and fills me with disgust towards the people on the posters. I'll probably go vote for the least horrible option out of sheer habit but I won't spend election night glued to the screen as I used to, hoping the result would somehow lead to a materially better world.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I used to have lots of nerd fun out of it but I really can't any more as it had become evident to me that the people behind the graphs despises people like me and would have no qualms destroying my life is it could bump their polling numbers by a tenth of a percent. Everything to do with bourgeois politics just fills me with disgust these days.