blah blah blah

print printin printout printblahblahblah

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove deez-nutz

javascript:(function() {window.location=window.location.toString().replace('hexbear.net','chapo.chat');})()

Okay, I have no idea what the colors signify.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    9 months ago

    It's a codeblock

    println('hello world')

    You can multiline with ```

    def is_odd(num:int) -> bool:
        if num % 2 == 0:
            return False
            return True
    def infinity() -> int:
        num = 0
        while True:
            yield num
            num += 1
    def odd_gen() -> int:
        for num in infinity():
            yield num if num % 2 != 0

    You can also specify a language which is how I got it to pick up on type hints

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      9 months ago
      --comment here blah blah blah
      select *
      from blahblah as gdbhdbgdtbg
      where gdbhdbgdtbg.a > 5
      order by gdbhdbgdtbg.b desc
      # comment here blah blah blah
      Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
      # comment here blah blah blah
      sudo pacman -Syu

      What the hell? Compare

      sudo pacman -Syu

      with this

      # comment here blah blah blah
      sudo pacman -Syu

      What's with the inconsistent colors lmao

      # comment here blah blah blah
      sudo pacman -Syu
      # comment here blah blah blah
      sudo pacman -Syu
      sudo pacman -Syu
      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Are you declaring the syntax type?


        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu
        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu


        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu
        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu


        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu
        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu


        --comment here blah blah blah
        select *
        from blahblah as gdbhdbgdtbg
        where gdbhdbgdtbg.a > 5
        order by gdbhdbgdtbg.b desc

        I think it just guesses when you don't declare a specific syntax


        You can use "properties" to highlight the first word a different color from every other word on a line which is actually a pretty decent alternative to the shell syntax as that doesn't pick up commands, only pure bash syntax


        # comment here blah blah blah
        -- comment here blah blah blah
        // comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu
        # comment here blah blah blah
        sudo pacman -Syu

        I believe we're using the same markdown formatter as GitHub, so any tricks that work in GitHub discussions will work here, with the caveat that GitHub's autoformatter is also looking at the code repo while ours has no context and will just check generic tokens and apply that to the whole block.

        Edit2: added alternative comment styling to the properties block, seems that # is the most agnostic.