If you've ever wondered why there's a dearth of radical older gay men, mostly in the range of 50+, it's at least in part because of that. Puritanical anti-sex assholes like Larry Kramer managed to survive for obvious reasons, and then got to revise history and sound like an unheard Cassandra, when the reality was that a lot of the damage had already been done by the time he started his own activism.

In my view, this led to a rightward shift in the activism of the gay community, which ended up hijacking a lot of the hard work that lesbian and trans activists had built up, and moved towards respectability rather than queer liberation.

All the more reason to say fuck Reagan for ignoring it for nearly a decade. Even Thatcher did something about it and that's saying something.

This isn't even my take, it's something that an AIDS activist in the late '80s said, that AIDS killed off the interesting gays. But thought it would be

        • qublic69 [none/use name]
          4 年前

          reproduction by budding, it's the only way

          edit: kinda defeats the purpose though if you can't duplicate the brain contents. but maybe the body grows back cisgender. and then we could become apathetic to social issues too! imagine all that extra leisure time if you don't feel so compelled to give a shit about like other people.
          edit: what even is cisgender when you're non-binary? i've long wanted to use the retort "pass for what?", but i don't even know what that would be for myself, what i would want to be ideally, if it's even human. i'm tired, i should go to bed.


          edit: i've been meaning to watch the second season of Pose, and anarchopac's recent history of AIDS video, but that stuff hurts to watch. maybe when the future feels brighter i'll care more for looking into the darkness of that past again.
          edit: hahaha a chapo.chat! i can post my queer leftist sad thoughts on them and won't even get banned or downvoted or deleted or brigaded this is amazing. getting kicked off reddit was a good thing. cringe culture is dead. :transshork-happy: :zzz:
          edit: i like how sneaky editing makes people retroactively uphex this hot garbage i'm adding all at once. john kerry for president.


          edit: that anti-natalist thread though: would budding be okay because you consent to yourself being duplicated into existence? also if i bud from myself, and my other body is cislike, and i sex with my otherself, then i could make babies! who are also genetically identical, so is that anti-natalism approved? what if i torture and eat my babyselves for adrenochrome, and live forever, is that permissible because I still consented to doing it? if not, then why does past me get to consent to things, but present me just has to live with that? that's not fair! future me will be positively disturbed that i even posted this, poor them. maybe future mes should unionize for better treatment. maybe my brain cells should unionize for more sleep. might is right motherfuckers. that's my answer to anti-natalism. what the hell are unborn babies going to do about it? complain on chapo? please, they could be dead from climate change before they're old enough to shitpost.
          edit: do you think queer people during the AIDS epidemic felt this way? that the whole world could be ending and nothing to do about it but watch sadistic republicans rejoice in the carnage. we can only hope that one day in the future they'll make a Pose about us leftie larpers that people can watch for trauma and cringe porn. :eyes: ...oh man yikes. jesus yikes.


          that's it, that's my take, that's why I couldn't watch Pose anymore. it still feels like it was made to be cringe and trauma porn for cis people to consume. i can't shake that feeling. i'm sick.
          i hate myself for ever seeing and feeling any of it that way in the first place. i don't need budding i need a neurocisectomie.