Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 – August 19, 1977) was an American comedian, actor, writer, stage, film, radio, and television star. He is generally considered to have been a master of quick wit and one of America's greatest comedians.

He made 13 feature films as a team with his siblings the Marx Brothers, of whom he was the third-born. He also had a successful solo career, primarily on radio and television, most notably as the host of the game show You Bet Your Life.

His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, spectacles, cigar, a thick greasepaint mustache, and eyebrows. These exaggerated features resulted in the creation of one of the most recognizable and ubiquitous novelty disguises, known as Groucho glasses: a one-piece mask consisting of horn-rimmed glasses, a large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache.

He was also secretly related to Karl Marx, the secret sixth Marx Brother.

Works of Theory by Groucho Marx


Beds: revised & updated edition

Many Happy Returns: An Unofficial Guide to Your Income-Tax Problems

Groucho and Me

Memoirs of a Mangy Lover

The Groucho Letters: Letters From and To Groucho Marx

The Marx Bros, Scrapbook

The Secret Word Is Groucho

The Groucho Phile: An Illustrated Life by Groucho Marx

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  • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I bought a Chinese textbook or something that looks to be about 20th century history. I think it's from the 80s and I'm pretty sure it isnt PRC or mainland - fairly sure it's for a Hong Kong 1980s high school equivalent. I bought it for $2. It has some sections on Israel and Palestine from the pictures and even the DRC. I could post pics and I think the translate app can still translate pictures of text.

    Front cover no Mao but papa Stalin is there, Marie Curie and also a giant Hitler for some reason.

    First page of table of contents first section is just for China up to what wouldve been the present day, includes the long march and everything. Second section is about "the fall of the old tradition" according to translate, flipping through it looks like a lot of flight, e=mc^2 and science stuff also a bit about Japan defeating imperial Russia. Then moves on to ww1 and the bolshevik revolution.

    Second and third pages of the table of contents third section is about the roaring 20s. Mostly focused on the west but highlights the start of the growth of fascism. Fourth section is about the 30s, includes more rise of fascism and a section on the Spanish civil war and then the start of ww2. Fifth section seems to be just about ww2 and only the war in Europe. Sixth is about th immediate post war period. Seventh is the "space age" and decolonialism including the Vietnam war.

    Throughout is a lot of pop culture stuff. Almost all of it is focused on the west. This reminds me of, like, American middle school textbooks for general world history or something. Way more broad even though it does seem to focus on the west rather than China or asia. Doesnt seem based or anything, just seems like your typical liberal apolitical textbook accounting of history sans political-economy.

    Any particular but anyone curious about? Theres an index but it's in the Chinese radical system instead of alphabetical (for obvious reasons) so the index is impossible for me to use.

    Final edit: I think it's just a straight translation of the Readers Digest Great Events of the 20th century with an additional section just for China for the Chinese printing. That would explain why it's so focused on the west.

        • Yanqui_UXO [any]
          3 years ago

          that's a dope ass cover, especially with the feminist wagon on the moon :)) you'd do good also posting it to c/history probably, maybe a specific chapter. I'd vote for the Israel/Palestine chapter that you mentioned, or, if it is indeed a HK textbook, their take on the British colonial past, or the DPRK

          • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
            3 years ago

            Okay, I'll take a look through and try to find the interesting stuff. This was prior to the handover and prior even to the sino-british declaration so yeah it would be interesting to see what they were thinking at the time. I dont see much on the Korean war, which I found surprising. Not much on Asia at all, lol, except what you might see at a more advanced high school in the US. Lots on Africa it looks like while skimming.

            For Israel/Palestine I think they even have a section on the Nakba, but I'll read it closer and find out later.