I see libs talking about how "haha these chuds don't even know what Critical Race Theory is!". But I think I get it now. White folks are so against "CRT" because it allows them to take all of their racist views and launder them through an acronym that makes it sound (to them at least) that no, they aren't racist. It's just this specific thing they apparently don't like, even though they claim "CRT" for anything that not only challenges white supremacy or institutional racism, but anything that implies white Americans aren't pure and good and the US is really "their" country.

What I mean is, it's very important to white people that they do not appear openly racist, even to other white people and for some, even to themselves. They've internalized the idea that racism is bad. But the problem is a whole lot of them are racist and people can't usually accept that they're the bad guys.

I have seen chuds label damn near anything as CRT. When you're white, history in most US classrooms skips over as much suffering of black and indigenous people as possible. Particularly reactionary parts of the country will nearly avoid any of that discussion entirely. But even in lib parts, you'll hear about the Trail of Tears, some discussion about slavery in the context of being the reason for the civil war, and then maybe some flowery stuff about MLK Jr (but that's if the class goes beyond WWII, which a lot will just stop there).

So now, some people are like "hey maybe 98% of history our kids learn shouldn't just be about how awesome and good white people are". White people lose their minds over this suggestion. But saying outright "no I don't want my kids to learn the details about how we stole land from the the indigenous people here or how we fire bombed black people in Tulsa not that long ago". But they can't SAY it like that because that's more obviously racist. So they use this "CRT" as a way to deflect from the idea that what they want is white supremacy but they have to pretend like they don't.

    • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Funny how hogs are allowed to disavow or even embrace being evil but still "look cool" anyway, but they love screeching "despite making up just 13%..." as a way to imply that a millions of Americans should be murdered "just in case" they MIGHT commit a crime.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I think the 13% thing is more insidious even than that. For white folks making that claim, what they are implying is that since it's not the police's fault (because whiteys love deepthroating cop boot), and it's not society's fault (because we defeated racism already), there must be something intrinsic in being African American. There's a reason that claim started in the Stormfront world. It's hella racist.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    You're 100% right. Just want to add that the real history of the USA is covered up on purpose and not taught to instill in children a nicer mental image of the USA.

    • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Would be kinda cool if the Gravel Institute started teaching this and when they inevitably try to get censored. Remind the chuds "I thought you LOVED free speech!"

    • LoudMuffin [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's not just right wingers. I think maybe if you're white but if you're on the bad side of the :us-foreign-policy: chart and you are like "yo this country (and honestly both American continents) are extremely racist" you can see even some progressive libs suddenly become really gross

  • nohaybanda [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can't prove it but I believe I have an insight why some people get so frothing mad over being told how much evil their country has wrought. There's a certain kind of person who is petty, vindictive mad utterly incapable of forgiveness when wronged. Think of the genocidal pricka that come out on anniversaries of 9/11, pearl harbor etc.

    Deep down this person knows that if they accepted that the crimes of the US were real, if this was done to them, they would be howling bloody murder. They would think it good and just. So it cannot be real.

  • Omegamint [comrade/them, doe/deer]
    3 years ago

    Learning in lurid detail (over and over) of the horrible things this country has done that were either completely glossed over or not taught me while I was in public school has been one of the most radicalizing elements of my life. I often think coming at people full force as a far leftist is far less effective at radicalizing them than simply getting them to read about the atrocities that our state has committed (or learning the false justifications we've used, etc) and then later proposing leftist thought/theory as the natural solution if they ever reach the point where they wonder what must be done.

    • LoudMuffin [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I sometimes think the USA was way fucking worse than even historical accounts make it out to be. I always marveled about how you can take two black guys from different cities and the majority of the time they're immediately friendly with each other and kind just "get" each other in a way I haven't even seen among Hispanic people or any other minority group. I feel like that solidarity has to come out of some truly hellish shit

  • ToastGhost [he/him]
    3 years ago

    when i see the initials "CRT" the first thing i think is those beeping heart line things

  • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
    3 years ago

    As usual, that nazi "simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize" quote always backfired on chuds.

    • LilComrade [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      They found it because it was pushed by the tea party and koch brothers and then by Fox news into their stupid boomer brains.

  • camaron28 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Oh yeah, same thing in Spain with how the colonies were treated and stuff. Apparently it's a UK and USA complot called "Leyenda Negra" to make Spain look bad so no one focuses on their atrocities.

    Disclaimer: i guess that phenomenon existed or is held by some weird anglo academics but who cares about what they think?

  • ass [he/him,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    im tired so im just gonna add my probably-obvious take without relating it to anything else in the thread: pointing out someone's casual racism is hard for lots of reasons but imo one is that people are uncomfortable when they sense deep down that they might have some unearned social capital that a less racist world would take away, and another is that racism describes such a broad range of attitudes. you try to point out that someone has bought into a few stereotypes and suddenly it's like you're comparing them to the slaveowners in Roots and they get defensive. what's missing is the idea that racism is a broad spectrum and just because some of It doesn't apply doesn't mean none does. although idk some of them probably intentionally misinterpret it as the more extreme criticism so they can discount the legitimate criticism